Approve Local Plan for NOVA and Regional Plan for Bay Peninsula Regional Planning Unit
The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires local workforce boards in a state-designated planning region (Regional Planning Unit or RPU) to engage in a regional planning process. This regional plan describes workforce development activities and service strategies. It also incorporates local plans developed by each of the local boards within the planning region. The Bay Peninsula RPU encompasses three workforce boards, including NOVA, San Jose-based work2future and San Francisco.
The State Plan is the overarching policy document for local and regional plans. It establishes the state's vision and direction and serves as a conceptual outline for local boards and their partners as they jointly develop these plans. The State Plan also designates required regional partners that include representatives from industry sectors, economic development, education, workforce development, rehabilitation, and other community-based organizations serving the diverse needs of residents. Because individuals experience the workforce system through local programs, the Local Plan operationalizes local program access, service-delivery strategies and collaboration with partner agencies within a regional framework. The Regional Plan provides the roadmap for cross-jurisdiction service outcomes and aligns local programs with regional labor markets and industry sectors that drive regional employment.
WIOA requires that local and regional plans be developed every four years, with modifications to these plans completed in the middle of this four-year period. In 2017, the Council approved the Local Plan for program years (PY) 2017 to 2020 at its Feb. 28, 2017 meeting (RTC#17-0042) and the Regional Plan for the same period at its Sept. 12, 2017 meeting (RTC#17-0860). The modifications to the plans were approved at the May 21, 2019 C...
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