Legislative Public Meetings

Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Revised
Meeting date/time: 2/4/2025 5:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Online and Council Chambers, City Hall, 456 W. Olive Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Special Meeting: Study Session - 5:30 PM | Regular Meeting - 7 PM
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Council Full Agenda Packet 20250204 (56,639 KB), Council REVISED Full Agenda Packet 20250204 (57,230 KB)
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionAction DetailsAudio/VideoAudio
25-0103 BStudy SessionInformation Sharing Regarding Pavement Management  Not available Audio/Video Audio/Video Audio Audio
25-0034 CSpecial Order of the DayBlack History Month  Not available Audio/Video Audio/Video Audio Audio
25-0125 1.AMinutesApprove City Council Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2024  Not available Not available Not available
25-0130 1.BMinutesApprove City Council Meeting Minutes of January 7, 2025  Not available Audio/Video Audio/Video Audio Audio
25-0023 1.CReport to CouncilApprove the List(s) of Claims and Bills Approved for Payment by the City Manager  Not available Not available Not available
25-0065 1.DReport to CouncilAward a Consultant Services Agreement to HydroScience Engineers, Inc. in the Amount of $368,994 for Professional Services for the Water Pollution Control Plant Oxidation Pond Levee Rehabilitation Project (F25-058)  Not available Not available Not available
25-0178 1.EReport to CouncilAward a Contract to HydroScience Engineers, Inc. in the Amount of $1,116,869 for the Mary-Carson Water Plant Upgrade Project (F25-052)  Not available Not available Not available
25-0060 1.FReport to CouncilAuthorize the Issuance of a 3-year Contract Purchase Agreement to W.W. Grainger, Inc., in the Amount of $600,000 for the Purchase of Industrial and Commercial Supplies (F25-065).  Not available Not available Not available
25-0285 1.GReport to CouncilRatify National League of Cities’ Appointment of Councilmember Murali Srinivasan to the 2025 Information Technology and Communications Committee  Not available Not available Not available
25-0293 1.HReport to CouncilAdopt Ordinance No. 3234-25 to Amend the Precise Zoning Plan, Zoning District Map (Section 19.16.050) to Re-Zone Certain Properties with Legal Nonconforming Residential Uses and Located at 411, 415 and 421 Charles Street, 433, 434, 437 and 440 Waverly Street, 572, 602, 656, 702 and 798 West Iowa Avenue, 428, 432 and 435 Florence Street, and 1301-1320 Oxbow Court, from the Office/Planned Development (O/PD) Zoning District to the R-2 Low Medium Density Residential/ Planned Development (R-2/PD) Zoning District; to Re-Zone Those Certain Properties Located at 260, 280, 286 and 290 North Pastoria Avenue from Peery Park Specific Plan-Mixed Industry Core (PPSP-MIC) to the R-0 Low Density Residential Zoning District; and to Re-Zone that Certain Property at 591 South Murphy Avenue from El Camino Real Specific Plan - Commercial (ECR-C) to the R-2 Low Medium Density Residential and O Office (R-2/O) Zoning District  Not available Not available Not available
25-0295 1.IReport to CouncilAdopt Ordinance No. 3235-25 to Amend the Precise Zoning Plan, Zoning District Map, to Re-Zone Certain Properties Located in the Area Generally Bounded (a)Tasman Drive, Morse Avenue, John W. Christian Greenbelt and Fair Oaks Avenue, (b) E. Duane Avenue, Lawrence Expressway, Stewart Drive and Britton Avenue, (c) E. Maude Avenue and N. Wolfe Road, Britton Avenue, E. Arques Avenue and Fair Oaks Avenue, and (d) Caltrain Rail tracks, S. Wolfe Road, Old San Francisco Road and S. Fair Oaks Avenue, and (e) Caltrain Rail tracks, Lawrence Expressway, Old San Francisco Road and Reed Avenue and Wolfe Avenue, from the M-S Industrial and Service Zoning District, the M-3 General Industrial Zoning District, or the Combined C-1 Neighborhood Business/Industrial-to- Residential/R-3 Medium Density Residential/Planned Development (C-1/ITR/R-3/PD) Zoning District, as Applicable, all to the R-3 Medium Density Residential/Planned Development (R-3/PD) Zoning District  Not available Not available Not available
25-0301 1.JReport to CouncilAdopt Ordinance No. 3236-25 to Amend the Precise Zoning Plan, Zoning Districts Map, to Re-zone Certain Properties Located at 455 De Guigne Drive, 835 Stewart Drive, and 845 Stewart Drive) from the M-S Industrial and Service Zoning District to the Combined M-S Industrial and Service/Industrial-to-Residential/R-3 Medium Density Residential/Planned Development (M-S/ITR/R-3/PD) Zoning District  Not available Not available Not available
25-0302 1.KReport to CouncilAdopt Ordinance No. 3237-25 to Amend Section 19.26.120 of Chapter 19.26 (Combining Districts) of Title 19 (Zoning) of the Sunnyvale Municipal Code Relating to the Industrial to Residential (ITR) Combining District After Transition of ITR-Zoned Sites to Residential Use  Not available Not available Not available
25-0001 2Report to CouncilSelection of Name for the New City Park Located at 1142 Dahlia Court Currently Referred to as Corn Palace Park  Not available Audio/Video Audio/Video Audio Audio
25-0031 3Report to CouncilIntroduce an Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.29 of the Sunnyvale Municipal Code Relating to Electronic Filing of Campaign Statements and Statements of Economic Interests  Not available Audio/Video Audio/Video Audio Audio
25-0211 4Report to CouncilAdopt a Resolution Amending the City's Salary Resolution and the Schedule of Pay to Increase the Salary Range for the Director of NOVA Workforce Services  Not available Audio/Video Audio/Video Audio Audio
25-0243  Information OnlyTentative Council Meeting Agenda Calendar  Not available Not available Not available
25-0244  Information OnlyBoard/Commission Meeting Minutes  Not available Not available Not available
25-0245  Information OnlyInformation/Action Items  Not available Not available Not available
25-0264  Information OnlyAnnouncement of Council and Mayoral Appointments of Councilmembers to Intergovernmental Assignments (Information Only)  Not available Not available Not available