| | Report to Board/Commission | Proposed Project:
SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (SDP) to allow on-sale general alcoholic beverage service including on-site consumption at a restaurant with an outdoor covered patio.
Location: 240 S. Taaffe Street Suite J134 (APN: 209-35-032)
File #: PLNG-2024-0584
Zoning: DSP-18 (Downtown Specific Plan Block 18)
Applicant / Owner: Sunny Tam (applicant) / STC Venture Block 3RWS LLC (owner)
Environmental Review: Class 1 Categorical Exemption relieves this project from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) provisions.
Project Planner: Wendy Lao, 408-730-7408, wlao@sunnyvale.ca.gov | |
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