Legislative Public Meetings

Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/10/2024 4:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Online and Council Chambers, City Hall, 456 W. Olive Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Special Meeting: Closed Session - 4 PM | Special Meeting: Study Session - 6 PM | Regular Meeting - 7 PM | Joint Meeting of City Council and Sunnyvale Financing Authority - 7 PM
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Council Full Agenda Packet 20241210 (33,264 KB), Responses to Council Questions 20241210
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionAction DetailsAudio/VideoAudio
24-0713 AClosed SessionCONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.5: Significant Exposure to Litigation Under Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2): Receipt of a written communication from a potential plaintiff threatening litigation related to a proposed project at 1250 Oakmead Parkway  Not available Not available Not available
24-0789 BClosed SessionClosed Session Held Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54957.6: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Agency Designated Representatives: Tina Murphy, Director of Human Resources Employee Organization: Public Safety Officers Association (PSOA)  Not available Not available Not available
24-0879 CStudy SessionCouncil Update/Feedback on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Requirements and Community Outreach  Not available Audio/Video Audio/Video Audio Audio
24-0046 DSpecial Order of the DayCeremonial Oath of Office for Charter Review Committee Members  Not available Audio/Video Audio/Video Audio Audio
24-0771 1.AMinutesApprove City Council Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2024  Not available Not available Not available
24-0927 1.BMinutesApprove City Council Meeting Minutes of November 13, 2024 (Charter Review Committee Interviews)  Not available Not available Not available
24-0454 1.CReport to CouncilApprove the List(s) of Claims and Bills Approved for Payment by the City Manager  Not available Not available Not available
24-1220 1.DReport to CouncilApproval of Side Letter Agreement between the City of Sunnyvale and the Sunnyvale Public Safety Officers Association (PSOA)  Not available Not available Not available
24-1221 1.EReport to CouncilAdopt a Resolution Amending the City's Salary Resolution and Schedule of Pay to (1) Update Pay Rates for Casual/Temporary Classifications to Reflect the January 1, 2025 Sunnyvale Minimum Wage of $19.00 per hour, (2) Increase the Councilmember and Mayor Stipend Amounts Pursuant to City Charter Section 605, and (3) Move the 3.5% Lead Worker/Supervisor Premium Pay for Attorneys into Base Salary  Not available Not available Not available
24-1064 1.FReport to CouncilReceive and File the FY 2023/24 Annual Status Report on Receipt and Use of Development Impact Fees and Adopt a Resolution Approving Findings Regarding Unspent Impact Fees and Find that the Action is Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Pursuant to Section 15378(b)(4) of the CEQA Guidelines  Not available Audio/Video Audio/Video Audio Audio
24-0244 1.GReport to CouncilReceive and File the City of Sunnyvale Investment Report - Third Quarter 2024  Not available Not available Not available
24-0947 1.HReport to CouncilAuthorize the Issuance of a One (1) Year Blanket Purchase Agreement to Stommel, Inc., dba Lehr, in the Amount of $440,000 for Accessory Removal and Installation Services for the City’s Patrol and Fire Vehicles (F25-113)  Not available Not available Not available
24-1063 1.IReport to CouncilAuthorize an Extension of a Banking Services Agreement with US Bank  Not available Not available Not available
24-1138 1.JReport to CouncilAuthorize the Issuance of a Purchase Order to Precision Concrete Cutting in the Amount of $385,000 for Sidewalk Assessment and Concrete Grinding Services (F25-124)  Not available Not available Not available
24-1152 1.KReport to CouncilAuthorize the Issuance of a Purchase Agreement to Valley Oil Company in the Amount of $875,000 for Unleaded and Diesel Fuel (F25-139)  Not available Not available Not available
24-1048 1.LReport to CouncilAuthorize the Issuance of a Five-Year Purchase Agreement in the Amount of $542,747.49 to Axon Enterprise, Inc., for In-car Hardware, Software, Delivery, and Installation of Upgraded Mobile Automated License Plate Recognition System from Axon Fleet 2 to Fleet 3 for the Department of Public Safety (F25-091)  Not available Not available Not available
24-1135 1.MReport to CouncilAmend an Existing Contract with Keenan & Associates for Workers’ Compensation Claims Administration Services to Extend the Term by ix Months and Increase the Not-To-Exceed Contract Amount to $2,959,634.28 (F25-112)  Not available Not available Not available
24-0925 1.NReport to CouncilAward of Contract to Brodart Co. in the Amount of $420,000 for Library Print Materials and Shelf-Ready Services (F24-086)  Not available Not available Not available
24-1211 1.OReport to CouncilApprove Updates to Council Policy 7.2.19 (Boards and Commissions) to Allow Board/Commission Members to Respond to Requests to Meet with Members of the Public  Not available Not available Not available
24-1160 1.PReport to CouncilAdopt a Resolution Authorizing the Application for and Receipt of Prohousing Incentive Program Funds  Not available Not available Not available
24-1200 1.QReport to CouncilAdopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Sunnyvale Declaring Support for Efforts to Provide Universal Child Care  Not available Audio/Video Audio/Video Audio Audio
24-1129 1.RReport to CouncilAdopt a Resolution to Update the Citywide Records Retention and Destruction Schedule  Not available Not available Not available
24-1219 1.SReport to CouncilCertification of the November 5, 2024 Election Results for Ballot Measure E (Sunnyvale Main Library Measure) and Ballot Measure F (Charter Amendments)  Not available Audio/Video Audio/Video Audio Audio
24-0048 2Study SessionDiscussion of Upcoming Selection of Vice Mayor  Not available Audio/Video Audio/Video Audio Audio
24-0198 3Report to CouncilAmend Street Outreach and Essential Homeless Services Contract to add an Inclement Weather Hotel Pilot Program (Study Issue OCM 22-02: Investigate Potential Locations, Funding, and Outreach for Overnight Warming Centers in the City of Sunnyvale During Inclement Weather) and Approve Budget Modification No. 11 in the Amount of $73,185  Not available Audio/Video Audio/Video Audio Audio
24-0050 4Report to CouncilApprove a Conceptual Design for the Fire Station 2 - New Construction Project and Find the Action is Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15262  Not available Audio/Video Audio/Video Audio Audio
24-1185 5.AMinutesApprove Sunnyvale Financing Authority Meeting Minutes of June 18, 2024  Not available Audio/Video Audio/Video Audio Audio
24-0253 6Report to CouncilReceive and File the FY 2023/24 Budgetary Year-End Financial Report, Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), the Sunnyvale Financing Authority Financial Report, Agreed Upon Procedure Reports, and the Report to the City Council Issued by the Independent Auditors, and Approve Budget Modification No. 12  Not available Audio/Video Audio/Video Audio Audio
24-1038  Information OnlyTentative Council Meeting Agenda Calendar  Not available Not available Not available
24-1084  Information OnlyBoard/Commission Meeting Minutes  Not available Not available Not available
24-1169  Information OnlyInformation/Action Items  Not available Not available Not available
24-0052  Information OnlyUpdate on Approaches to Replace the Reach Code Gas Ban and Meet the Climate Action Playbook Gameplan 2028, Move 2.N (Information Only)  Not available Not available Not available
24-1202  Information OnlyBoard/Commission Resignation (Information Only)  Not available Not available Not available