MOTION: Commissioner Rosenfeld moved and Commissioner Zapata seconded the
motion to approve the Consent Calendar.
The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 4 -
Chair Syquia
Vice Chair Ramisetty
Commissioner Rosenfeld
Commissioner Zapata
No: 0
Absent: 1 - Commissioner Camacho
Debrief on the Allyship Training Webinar by Service Never
Equity, Access, and Inclusion (EAI) Manager, Fernanda Perdomo-Arciniegas
debriefed the Human Relations Commission on the Allyship Training Webinar. The
training was provided by Service Never Sleeps. It was a training open to the
community and City staff. Those who attended learned how to become an effective
ally through the CLAIM framework (Care, Learn, Act, Influence Maintain). Fernanda
mentioned the overall feedback from those who attended.
Commissioner Rosenfeld attended the training and shared her positive experience
from the training.
Chair Syquia opened and closed the public hearing at 7:32 p.m., upon confirming
that there were no members of the public wishing to speak, in person or remotely.
Debrief on The Immigrant Experience: Storytelling Circles
EAI Manager, Fernanda Perdomo-Arciniegas gave the staff report. She discussed
the themes of The Immigrant Experience: Storytelling Circles event. She opened it
up to the commissioners to discuss feedback on the event.
The commissioners shared the positive feedback from those who attended the
event. They also discussed logistics for future events.
Chair Syquia opened and closed the public hearing at 8:02 p.m., upon confirming
that there were no members of the public wishing to speak, in person or remotely.
Discussion of the Draft Work Plan 2025