City of Sunnyvale  
Meeting Minutes  
Planning Commission  
Monday, November 27, 2023  
6:00 PM  
Online and Bay Conference Room  
(Room 145), City Hall,  
456 W. Olive Ave.,  
Sunnyvale, CA 94086  
Special Meeting: Study Session - 6:00 PM | Public Hearing - 7:00 PM  
Call to Order  
Chair Pyne called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.  
Roll Call  
Present: 6 -  
Chair Martin Pyne  
Commissioner Galen Kim Davis  
Commissioner Daniel Howard  
Commissioner John Howe  
Commissioner Michael Serrone  
Commissioner Neela Shukla  
Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Nathan Iglesias  
Vice Chair Iglesias’ absence is excused.  
Study Session  
Proposed Project: Related applications on a 3.56-acre site:  
SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: to demolish three existing  
used auto sales buildings (office and repair garage space) and  
construct: 1) a seven-story mixed-use building including  
approximately 31,361 square feet of commercial/retail space on  
the first and second stories and 111 residential units (a mix of  
rental and for sale units) on the third story and above; and, 2) five  
two-story single family homes.  
VESTING TENTATIVE MAP: To subdivide the properties into  
six lots (one for the mixed-use building and five single-family lots).  
Location: 1104 and 1124 West El Camino Real (APNs: 198-17-023  
and 198-17-029, respectively)  
File #: 2018-7798  
Zoning: ECR-MU33 (El Camino Real Mixed Use)  
Applicant / Owner: Steve Brinkman (owner and applicant)  
Environmental Review: No additional review required as per CEQA  
Guidelines 15168(c)(2) and (4) - environmental impacts of the project  
are addressed in the El Camino Real Specific Plan (ECRSP)  
Environmental Impact Report (EIR).  
Project Planner: Jeffrey Cucinotta, (408) 730-7424,  
Adjourn Study Session  
Chair Pyne called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM.  
Chair Pyne led the salute to the flag.  
Present: 6 -  
Chair Martin Pyne  
Commissioner Galen Kim Davis  
Commissioner Daniel Howard  
Commissioner John Howe  
Commissioner Michael Serrone  
Commissioner Neela Shukla  
Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Nathan Iglesias  
Vice Chair Iglesias’ absence is excused.  
There were no public speakers for this agenda item.  
MOTION: Commissioner Howe moved and Commissioner Davis seconded the  
motion to approve the Consent Calendar with the following revision to the minutes:  
1.) Note that the last sentence on page four pertaining to Agenda Item 2 should read  
as follows: “Commissioner Serrone spoke in favor of the below-grade parking levels  
and unbundled parking included in the proposed projects.”  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
Yes: 6 -  
Chair Pyne  
Commissioner Davis  
Commissioner Howard  
Commissioner Howe  
Commissioner Serrone  
Commissioner Shukla  
No: 0  
Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Iglesias  
Approve Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of November 13, 2023  
Approve Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of November 13, 2023 as  
Forward Recommendation to City Council to Adopt a Resolution to  
Amend the General Plan by Adopting the 2023-2031 Housing Element  
and Adopt a Negative Declaration for the 2023-2031 Housing Element  
Housing Specialist Ryan Dyson presented the staff report with a slide presentation.  
At Commissioner Serrone’s request, Housing Specialist Dyson and Director of  
Community Development Trudi Ryan explained the options available to the Planning  
Commission in terms of proposing changes to the Draft Housing Element at this  
stage and once it is adopted.  
Commissioner Davis confirmed with Director of Community Development Trudi  
Ryan that adjustments to the Draft Housing Element necessitating new ordinances  
or policy changes may be subject to the review of the Planning Commission,  
Housing and Human Services Commission, or City Council.  
Commissioner Davis discussed with Housing Specialist Dyson how to determine  
whether the Regional Housing Needs assessment (RHNA) for Very Low, Low, and  
Moderate Income groups will be met.  
Commissioner Davis confirmed with Chelsea Payne (Senior Associate at Ascent  
Environmental, Inc.) that the City’s failure to meet RHNA requirements will not result  
in real penalties or revocation of compliance status.  
Commissioner Davis proposed the removal of the Floor Area Ratio (FAR)  
requirement for missing middle housing types. Director of Community Development  
Trudi Ryan responded that new standards will be developed for missing middle  
housing types, and the Planning Commission will review them at a later time.  
At Commissioner Shukla’s request, Housing Specialist Dyson and Director of  
Community Development Trudi Ryan provided additional details on single room  
occupancy (SRO) units and what they entail.  
Chair Pyne confirmed with Director of Community Development Trudi Ryan that the  
City has received applications for Builder’s Remedy projects. Chair Pyne shared his  
concerns regarding such projects.  
Chair Pyne expressed his hope that upcoming developments would take advantage  
of the increased density permitted for the Village Centers.  
At Chair Pyne’s request, Housing Specialist Dyson explained why additional time  
was needed for the State Department of Housing and Community Development  
(HCD) to approve the City’s Draft Housing Element.  
Chair Pyne confirmed with Housing Specialist Dyson that the Planning Commission  
may make recommendations for the implementation programs at a later time.  
Chair Pyne opened the Public Hearing.  
There were no public speakers for this agenda item.  
Chair Pyne closed the Public Hearing.  
MOTION: Commissioner Howe moved and Commissioner Davis seconded the  
motion to recommend that the City Council make the findings and adopt the  
Resolution in Attachment 2 to:  
a. Adopt the Negative Declaration in Attachment 3, and  
b. Amend the General Plan by Adopting the 2023-2031 Housing Element as  
included as Exhibit A.  
Commissioner Howe noted his observation that requirements for the Draft Housing  
Element were more stringent now than they were in the past. He also commended  
staff on their efforts to prepare a Draft Housing Element that will certainly be  
approved by both the City Council and the state.  
Commissioner Davis shared his thoughts on the review process for the Draft  
Housing Element. He also recognized staff’s work on the Draft Housing Element  
and spoke in support of the motion.  
Commissioner Serrone spoke of the housing crisis and ways that the City’s Draft  
Housing Element may address it. He advocated for increasing the livability of  
low-income and low-opportunity areas and shared his concerns about Builder’s  
Remedy projects. Lastly, he voiced his support of the motion.  
Commissioner Howard spoke in overall support of the Draft Housing Element and  
noted the positive impacts it will have on the City. He also added that he is in  
support of the motion.  
Commissioner Shukla confirmed her support of the motion and highlighted the Draft  
Housing Element’s ability to meet housing needs through its various programs.  
Chair Pyne shared his appreciation for staff’s incorporation of Planning  
Commissioner feedback in the revised Draft Housing Element. He also expressed  
his frustrations about the review of the Draft Housing Element conducted by HCD.  
Lastly, he stated that the City will greatly benefit from the programs included in the  
Draft Housing Element.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
Yes: 6 -  
Chair Pyne  
Commissioner Davis  
Commissioner Howard  
Commissioner Howe  
Commissioner Serrone  
Commissioner Shukla  
No: 0  
Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Iglesias  
This recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for consideration at the  
December 12, 2023 meeting.  
Planning Commission Proposed Study Issues, Calendar Year: 2024  
(Information Only)  
-Commissioner Comments  
Commissioner Davis noted that certain Freakonomics podcast episodes discussed  
the City’s construction productivity and such topics as restrictive zoning and  
discretionary review. He also shared his hope that the City may serve as a model  
for the rest of the country.  
-Staff Comments  
Planning Officer Shaunn Mendrin reminded the Planning Commissioners of the joint  
Study Session of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission, Planning  
Commission and Sustainability Commission that is scheduled to take place on  
November 30, 2023.  
Planning Officer Mendrin informed the Planning Commissioners that the proposed  
projects at 1154 and 1174 Sonora Court will be considered at the City Council  
meeting of November 28, 2023.  
Planning Officer Mendrin advised the Planning Commissioners that the appealed  
project at 1150-1170 Kifer Road will be reviewed at the City Council meeting of  
December 5, 2023.  
Planning Officer Mendrin directed the Planning Commissioners to register to attend  
the Climate Action Playbook: Game Plan 2028 workshops if they have not already  
done so.  
Chair Pyne adjourned the meeting at 8:44 PM.