City of Sunnyvale  
Notice and Agenda  
City Council  
Tuesday, September 24, 2024  
6:00 PM  
Online and Council Chambers, City Hall,  
456 W. Olive Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086  
Special Meeting: Study Session - 6 PM | Regular Meeting - 7 PM  
Public Participation  
• In-person participation: You may provide public comment by filling out a speaker  
card (optional) and giving it to the City Clerk.  
As a courtesy, and technology permitting, members of the public may also attend  
online. However, the City cannot guarantee that the public’s access to online  
technology will be uninterrupted, and technical difficulties may occur from time to  
time. Unless required by the Ralph M. Brown Act, the meeting will continue despite  
technical difficulties for participants using the online option.  
The Mayor may determine it would be impractical to include remote public  
comment during Oral Communications.  
• Online participation: You may provide audio public comment by connecting to the  
meeting online or by telephone. Use the Raise Hand feature to request to speak  
(*9 on a telephone):  
Meeting call-in telephone number: 833-548-0276 | Meeting ID: 961 1158 0540  
(*9 to request to speak | *6 to unmute/mute)  
television over Comcast Channel 15, AT&T Channel 99  
• Submit written comments to the City Council no later than 4 hours prior to the  
meeting start to or by mail to:  
City Clerk, 456 W. Olive Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086  
• Review recordings of this meeting and past meetings at  
Accessibility/Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice  
Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special  
assistance to provide public comment, or for other special assistance; please  
contact the City at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to enable the City to make  
reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. The Office of the  
City Clerk may be reached at 408-730-7483 or (28  
CFR 35.160 (b) (1)).  
Call to Order  
Call to Order in the Council Chambers  
Roll Call  
Study Session  
The public may provide comments regarding the Study Session item(s). If you wish  
to address the Council, please refer to the notice at the beginning of this agenda.  
Report on the Comprehensive Update of the 2013 Feasibility  
Study for Recycled Water Expansion (ESD 22-01)  
Adjourn Special Meeting  
Pursuant to Council Policy, City Council will not begin consideration of any agenda  
item after 11:30 p.m. without a vote. Any item on the agenda which must be  
continued due to the late hour shall be continued to a date certain. Information  
provided herein is subject to change from date of printing of the agenda to the date  
of the meeting.  
Call to Order in the Council Chambers  
Hindu American Heritage Month  
Indigenous Peoples’ Day  
Active Aging Week  
Arts and Humanities Month  
The Mayor may determine it would be impractical to include remote public  
comment during Oral Communications for the purpose of timeliness of the meeting  
or conducting an orderly meeting. Such a determination shall be made prior to  
opening public comment on Oral Communications.  
This category provides an opportunity for members of the public to address the  
City Council on items not listed on the agenda and is limited to 15 minutes (may be  
extended or continued after the public hearings/general business section of the  
agenda at the discretion of the Mayor) with a maximum of up to three minutes per  
speaker. Please note the Brown Act (Open Meeting Law) does not allow the  
Council to take action on an item not listed on the agenda. If you wish to address  
the Council, please refer to the notice at the beginning of this agenda. Individuals  
are limited to one appearance during this section.  
All matters listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and will be  
acted upon by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If a  
member of the public would like a consent calendar item pulled and discussed  
separately, please refer to the notice at the beginning of this agenda.  
Approve City Council Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2024  
Approve the City Council Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2024  
as submitted.  
Approve the List(s) of Claims and Bills Approved for Payment  
by the City Manager  
Approve the list(s) of claims and bills.  
Adopt Resolutions Amending the City’s Contribution for  
CalPERS Medical Insurance for Management, Sunnyvale  
Employees’ Association/International Federation of  
Professional and Technical Engineers Local 21 (SEA/IFPTE  
Local 21), Confidential, and Service Employees International  
Union (SEIU) Employees and Annuitants (Retirees)  
Adopt two resolutions: (1) Setting the employer's contribution  
under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act  
(PEMHCA) for 2025, and (2) Amending the City's Salary  
Resolution to modify the City's contribution for medical  
insurance for Management, SEA/IFPTE Local 21,  
Confidential, and SEIU Employees and Annuitants (Retirees).  
Award a Two-Year Purchase Agreement to e-Builder, Inc. in  
the Amount of $420,000 for Unlimited Authorized User  
Licenses for e-Builder Enterprise Software (F25-019)  
Take the following actions:  
- Award a two-year purchase agreement in the not-to-exceed  
contract amount of $420,000;  
- Make a finding of a categorical exemption from the California  
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA  
Guidelines Section 15302(c);  
- Authorize the City Manager to execute the contract when all  
necessary conditions have been met; and  
- Authorize a City Manager to increase the amount of the  
agreement up to the budgeted amount and if pricing remains  
acceptable to the City.  
Award of Contract to Able Construction Group, Inc. in the  
Amount of $600,000 for Sewer Line On-Call Maintenance and  
Repair Services (F24-257)  
Take the following actions:  
- Award a three-year contract to Able Construction Group, Inc.  
for sewer line on-call maintenance and repair services in a  
not-to-exceed contract amount of $600,000;  
- Authorize the City Manager to execute the contract when all  
necessary conditions have been met;  
- Authorize the City Manager to amend the not-to-exceed  
amount, subject to available budget; and  
- Authorize the City Manager to renew the contract for two (2)  
additional one-year periods if pricing and service remain  
acceptable to the City.  
Approve a Request from Sunnyvale Community Services for  
$500,000 to Continue Operating the Sunnyvale Tenant Based  
Rental Assistance Program for Fiscal Years 2024/25 and  
2025/26 and Approve Budget Modification No. 7  
Approve a request from Sunnyvale Community Services for  
$500,000 to continue operating the Sunnyvale Tenant Based  
Rental Assistance Program for Fiscal Years 2024/25 and  
2025/26 and approve Budget Modification No. 7.  
Approve a Take No City Position on Proposed League of  
California Cities’ 2024 Annual Conference Resolution  
Approve a Take No Position for the proposed Resolution No.  
1 (Fair and Equal Treatment of All Governmental Officials at  
All Levels) and authorize the City's voting delegate/alternates  
to cast votes consistent with the City Council's adopted  
position. Approval of the Consent Calendar constitutes  
direction to the Voting Delegate to abstain from voting at the  
League of California Cities conference.  
City of Sunnyvale 2024 Conflict of Interest Code Biennial  
Receive the 2024 Local Agency Notice and direct the City  
Clerk to return to Council within 90 days with a proposed  
resolution to amend the City's Conflict of Interest Code.  
If you wish to speak to a public hearing/general business item, please refer to  
notice at the beginning of this agenda. Each speaker is limited to a maximum of  
three minutes. For land-use items, applicants are limited to a maximum of 10  
minutes for opening comments and 5 minutes for closing comments.  
Adopt Positions on State and Local Ballot Measures for the  
November 5, 2024 Election  
Alternative 1:  
Adopt the following staff-recommended positions on the ballot  
measures deemed City business:  
SUPPORT - Proposition 2 - Authorizes Bonds for Public  
School and Community College Facilities. Legislative Statute.  
SUPPORT - Proposition 4 - Authorizes Bonds for Safe  
Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, and Protecting  
Communities and Natural Lands from Climate Risks.  
Legislative Statute.  
SUPPORT - Proposition 5 - Allows Local Bonds for Affordable  
Housing and Public Infrastructure with 55% Voter Approval.  
Legislative Constitutional Amendment.  
SUPPORT - Proposition 36 - Allows Felony Charges and  
Increases Sentences for Certain Drug and Theft Crimes.  
Initiative Statute.  
SUPPORT - Measure E - Sunnyvale Main Library General  
Obligation Bonds. 2/3rds Vote  
SUPPORT - Measure F - City of Sunnyvale City Charter  
Amendments. Majority Vote  
SUPPORT - Measure Y - Sunnyvale School District. Special  
Tax for Educational Purposes. 2/3rds Vote  
SUPPORT - Measure Z - Cupertino Union School District.  
School Bond Measure. 55% Vote  
Consider Direction to Staff and Updates to Council Policy  
7.2.19 (Boards and Commissions) as Recommended by the  
Council Subcommittee on Boards and Commissions  
Staff makes no overarching recommendation. Staff's  
recommendations regarding individual policy considerations  
are outlined in the report, which is developed to facilitate a  
conversation for the public hearing and for consideration and  
possible action by the City Council.  
-City Manager  
Agenda Calendar (TCMAC) online. The TCMAC is updated each Thursday  
Tentative Council Meeting Agenda Calendar  
Board/Commission Meeting Minutes  
Information/Action Items  
Council Advocacy Letters  
The agenda reports to council (RTCs) may be viewed on the City’s website at after 7 p.m. on Thursdays or at the NOVA Workforce Services  
reception desk located on the first floor of City Hall at 456 W. Olive Avenue, during  
normal business hours, prior to Tuesday City Council meetings. Any agenda  
related writings or documents distributed to members of the City of Sunnyvale City  
Council regarding any open session item on this agenda will be made available for  
public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk located on the fourth floor of City  
Hall at 456 W. Olive Avenue, during normal business hours and in the Council  
Chambers on the evening of the Council Meeting, pursuant to Government Code  
§54957.5. Please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 408-730-7483 for specific  
questions regarding the agenda.  
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that if you file a lawsuit challenging any final decision on  
any public hearing item listed in this agenda, the issues in the lawsuit may be  
limited to the issues which were raised at the public hearing or presented in writing  
to the Office of the City Clerk at or before the public hearing.  
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that Code of Civil Procedure section 1094.6  
imposes a 90-day deadline for the filing of any lawsuit challenging final action on  
an agenda item which is subject to Code of Civil Procedure 1094.5.  
Planning a presentation for a City Council meeting?  
To help you prepare and deliver your public comments, please review the "Making  
Public Comments During City Council or Planning Commission Meetings" available  
Planning to provide materials to Council?  
If you wish to provide the City Council with copies of your presentation materials,  
please provide 12 copies of the materials to the Office of the City Clerk. The City  
Clerk will distribute your items to the Council.  
Upcoming Meetings  
meeting information.