City of Sunnyvale  
Meeting Minutes  
City Council  
Tuesday, July 30, 2024  
5:00 PM  
Online, Cottonwood Conference Room,  
and Council Chambers, City Hall,  
456 W. Olive Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086  
Special Meeting: Board and Commission Interview - 5 PM | Special Meeting: Study  
Session - 5:30 PM | Regular Meeting - 7 PM  
Call to Order  
Mayor Klein called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.  
Roll Call  
Present: 5 -  
Absent: 2 -  
Mayor Larry Klein  
Vice Mayor Murali Srinivasan  
Councilmember Russ Melton  
Councilmember Richard Mehlinger  
Councilmember Linda Sell  
Councilmember Alysa Cisneros  
Councilmember Omar Din  
Councilmember Cisneros and Din absences are excused.  
Study Session  
Board and Commission Interviews  
Public Comment opened at 5:04 p.m.  
No speakers.  
Public Comment closed at 5:04 p.m.  
Council interviewed the following applicant for a vacancy on a commission:  
Parthiv Rawal - Heritage Preservation Commission  
Adjourn Special Meeting  
Mayor Klein adjourned the meeting at 5:17 p.m.  
5:30 P.M. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING (Study Session)  
Call to Order  
Vice Mayor Srinivasan called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.  
Roll Call  
Present: 5 -  
Mayor Larry Klein  
Vice Mayor Murali Srinivasan  
Councilmember Russ Melton  
Councilmember Richard Mehlinger  
Councilmember Linda Sell  
Councilmember Alysa Cisneros  
Councilmember Omar Din  
Absent: 2 -  
Councilmember Cisneros and Din absences are excused.  
Study Session  
Special Events Permitting Process  
Library and Recreation Services Director Michelle Perera, Public Works Director  
Chip Taylor, Environmental Services Director Ramana Chinnakotla and Public  
Safety Chief Phan Ngo provided the staff report and presentation.  
Public Hearing opened at 6:55 p.m.  
Mike Johnson, Sunnyvale Downtown Association, voiced their support for  
streamlining the special events permitting process.  
Valerie spoke in support for streamlining the special events permitting process.  
Prakash Giri shared their experience with the special events permitting process and  
to how it can be improved.  
Public Hearing closed at 7:04 p.m.  
Adjourn Special Meeting  
Vice Mayor Srinivasan adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m.  
Mayor Klein called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.  
Mayor Klein led the salute to the United States flag.  
Present: 5 -  
Absent: 2 -  
Mayor Larry Klein  
Vice Mayor Murali Srinivasan  
Councilmember Russ Melton  
Councilmember Richard Mehlinger  
Councilmember Linda Sell  
Councilmember Alysa Cisneros  
Councilmember Omar Din  
Councilmember Cisneros and Din absences are excused.  
Silicon Valley Pride  
Agenda item continued to August 13, 2024.  
Roel Ovadia shared their safety concerns with the unhoused encampments along  
Central Expressway.  
Stephen Meier voiced their support for increasing traffic calming measures.  
Brad Duplantier communicated their concerns with unhoused encampments in  
Public Comment opened at 7:43 p.m.  
Member of the public requested agenda item 1.H. be pulled from the Consent  
Public Comment closed at 7:44 p.m.  
MOTION: Vice Mayor Srinivasan moved and Councilmember Mehlinger seconded  
the motion to approve agenda items 1.A through 1.G.  
The motion carried with the following vote:  
Yes: 5 -  
Mayor Klein  
Vice Mayor Srinivasan  
Councilmember Melton  
Councilmember Mehlinger  
Councilmember Sell  
No: 0  
Absent: 2 -  
Councilmember Cisneros  
Councilmember Din  
Approve City Council Meeting Minutes of July 18, 2024  
(Closed Session)  
Approve the City Council Meeting Minutes of July 18, 2024 as submitted.  
Approve City Council Meeting Minutes of July 19, 2024  
(Closed Session)  
Approve the City Council Meeting Minutes of July 19, 2024 as submitted.  
Approve the List(s) of Claims and Bills Approved for Payment  
by the City Manager  
Approve the list(s) of claims and bills.  
Award a Contract in the Amount of $1,190,000 to Utility Tree  
Service, LLC for Street Tree Maintenance Services  
Take the following actions:  
- Award a contract to Utility Tree Service, LLC in a not-to-exceed amount of  
$1,190,000 in substantially the same form as Attachment 2 to the report;  
- Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement when all conditions have  
been met;  
- Authorize the City Manager to increase the quantities under the contract, subject  
to available budget; and  
- Authorize the City Manager to renew the contract for one (1) additional one-year  
option, subject to available budget and if pricing and if services remain acceptable  
to the City.  
Authorize the Issuance of a Consultant Services Agreement  
with Chandler Asset Management Inc., in an Amount not to  
exceed $700,000 for Investment Management Services  
Authorize the issuance of a two (2) year consultant services agreement to Chandler  
Asset Management Inc. for investment management services in the amount  
not-to-exceed $700,000.  
Approve Contract Amendment to Biocom California Institute for  
Life Science Industry Workforce Services  
Approve a contract amendment for life science industry workforce development  
services and authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Biocom  
California Institute in an amount not-to-exceed $150,000, with the contract term  
starting July 31, 2024, and ending July 30, 2025.  
Authorize the City Attorney to Execute the Participation  
Agreement to opt in to the Proposed Kroger Co. National  
Opioid Settlement as a Non-Litigating Entity Involving an  
Opioid Grocery Store Pharmacy Settlement  
Authorize the City Attorney to sign the Participation Agreement, in substantially the  
same form as in Attachment 1 to the report, on behalf of the City of Sunnyvale to opt  
in to the Kroger Settlement as a Non-Litigating Entity.  
Adoption of Revised Resolution Placing a New Main Library  
General Obligation Bond Measure on Ballot and Consolidating  
Measure with the November 5, 2024 General Election  
Public Hearing opened at 7:46 p.m.  
Member of the public provided comments on the ballot language used on the  
proposed bond measure.  
Public Hearing closed at 7:46 p.m.  
MOTION: Councilmember Mehlinger moved and Councilmember Meltonseconded  
the motion to adopt a Revised Resolution Calling a General Municipal Election to be  
Held in the City of Sunnyvale on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for the Purpose of  
Submitting to City Voters an Ordinance to Approve the Issuance of General  
Obligation Bonds to Finance Municipal Improvements Constituting Public  
Infrastructure of the City (New Main Library); Requesting Consolidation with the  
Statewide General Election and Election Services From Santa Clara County;  
Directing the City Attorney to Prepare an Impartial Analysis; Setting Priorities for  
Ballot Arguments.  
The motion carried with the following vote:  
Yes: 5 -  
Mayor Klein  
Vice Mayor Srinivasan  
Councilmember Melton  
Councilmember Mehlinger  
Councilmember Sell  
No: 0  
Absent: 2 -  
Councilmember Cisneros  
Councilmember Din  
Update on the Human Relations Commission First Year of  
Work and Use of Interpretation Software (Wordly)  
Equity, Access & Inclusion Manager Fernanda Perdomo-Arciniegas provided the  
staff report and presentation.  
Public Hearing opened at 8:27 p.m.  
No speakers.  
Public Hearing closed at 8:27 p.m.  
MOTION: Councilmember Mehlingermoved and Councilmember Melton seconded  
the motion to approve Alternative 1: Receive an update on the Human Relations  
Commission and use of Wordly.  
The motion carried with the following vote:  
Yes: 5 -  
Mayor Klein  
Vice Mayor Srinivasan  
Councilmember Melton  
Councilmember Mehlinger  
Councilmember Sell  
No: 0  
Absent: 2 -  
Councilmember Cisneros  
Councilmember Din  
Review and Approve Argument Drafted by Mayor Klein and  
Councilmembers Melton and Mehlinger in Support of Main  
Library Bond Ballot Measure or Give other Direction to  
Designated Councilmembers to Complete Argument  
Public Hearing opened at 8:33 p.m.  
No speakers.  
Public Hearing closed at 8:33 p.m.  
MOTION: Councilmember Melton moved and Vice Mayor Srinivasan seconded the  
motion to approve the argument drafted in support of the Main Library Bond Ballot  
Measure with the following directions:  
- Task the sub-committee to continue to draft the ballot measure language and  
- Revising language to not specify the amount of additional open space;  
- Adding language regarding seismic standards;  
- Adding language referencing innovation and knowledge; and  
- Five signers of the Ballot Measure shall be Mayor Klein,Vice Mayor Srinivasan,ꢀ  
Councilmembers Melton, Mehlingerand Sell.  
The motion carried with the following vote:  
Adopt a Resolution to Cause Charges for Non-Payment of  
Delinquent Utility Charges to be Placed on the Fiscal Year  
2024/25 County of Santa Clara Property Tax Roll  
Acting Finance Director Dennis Jaw provided the staff report.  
Public Hearing opened at 9:04 p.m.  
No speakers.  
Public Hearing closed at 9:04 p.m.  
MOTION: Councilmember Melton moved and Councilmember Mehlinger seconded  
the motion to approve Alternative 1: Adopt a Resolution to cause charges for  
non-payment of delinquent utility sharges to be placed on the Fiscal Year 2024/25  
County of Santa Clara Property Tax Roll.  
The motion carried with the following vote:  
Yes: 5 -  
Mayor Klein  
Vice Mayor Srinivasan  
Councilmember Melton  
Councilmember Mehlinger  
Councilmember Sell  
No: 0  
Absent: 2 -  
Councilmember Cisneros  
Councilmember Din  
Councilmember Mehlinger requested an update on the unhoused encampments  
along Central Expressway.  
Interim City Manager Tim Kirby provided an update on the unhoused encampment  
situation along Central Expressway.  
Councilmember Mehlinger asked if the fire danger caused by these encampments is  
being addressed.  
Interim City Manager Tim Kirby explained the type of outreach being performed at  
these encampments.  
Mayor Klein inquired about Santa Clara County’s actions to address the  
Councilmember Melton provided comments on the unhoused encampments along  
Central Expressway and inquired about Santa Clara County’s position on the topic.  
Interim City Manager Tim Kirby provided further context regarding Santa Clara  
County’s position.  
Councilmember Melton asked about the costs associated with cleaning up  
unhoused encampments.  
Interim City Manager Tim Kirby provided cost estimates associated with cleaning up  
unhoused encampments along Central Expressway.  
Councilmember Melton inquired if the Governor’s Executive Order directing cities to  
act on cleaning up unhoused encampments has any impact on Sunnyvale.  
Interim City Manager Tim Kirby explained the City’s approach to these initiatives.  
Councilmember Sell asked to how community members can get updates on the  
progress of addressing unhoused encampments.  
Interim CIty Manager Tim Kirby provided ways community members can inquire  
about the unhoused encampment situations.  
Mayor Klein provided comments to how residents can best communicate their  
concerns with Supervisor Lee.  
-City Manager  
Tentative Council Meeting Agenda Calendar  
Board/Commission Meeting Minutes  
Information/Action Items  
Mayor Klein adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m.