Adopt Ordinance No. 3234-25 to Amend the Precise Zoning
Plan, Zoning District Map (Section 19.16.050) to Re-Zone
certain properties with legal nonconforming residential uses
and located at 411, 415 and 421 Charles Street, 433, 434, 437
and 440 Waverly Street, 572, 602, 656, 702 and 798 West
Iowa Avenue, 428, 432 and 435 Florence Street, and
1301-1320 Oxbow Court, from the Office/Planned
Development (O/PD) Zoning District to the R-2 Low Medium
Density Residential/ Planned Development (R-2/PD) Zoning
District; to Re-Zone those certain Properties Located at 260,
280, 286 and 290 North Pastoria Avenue from Peery Park
Specific Plan-Mixed Industry Core (PPSP-MIC) to the R-0 Low
Density Residential Zoning District; and to Re-Zone that
Certain Property at 591 South Murphy Avenue from El Camino
Real Specific Plan - Commercial (ECR-C) to the R-2 Low
Medium Density Residential and O Office (R-2/O) Zoning
Adopt Ordinance No. 3235-25 to Amend the Precise Zoning
Plan, Zoning District Map, to Re-Zone Certain Properties
Located in the Area Generally Bounded (a)Tasman Drive,
Morse Avenue, John W. Christian Greenbelt and Fair Oaks
Avenue, (b) E. Duane Avenue, Lawrence Expressway, Stewart
Drive and Britton Avenue, (c) E. Maude Avenue and N. Wolfe
Road, Britton Avenue, E. Arques Avenue and Fair Oaks
Avenue, and (d) Caltrain Rail tracks, S. Wolfe Road, Old San
Francisco Road and S. Fair Oaks Avenue, and (e) Caltrain
Rail tracks, Lawrence Expressway, Old San Francisco Road
and Reed Avenue and Wolfe Avenue, from the M-S Industrial
and Service Zoning District, the M-3 General Industrial Zoning
District, or the Combined C-1 Neighborhood
Business/Industrial-to- Residential/R-3 Medium Density
Residential/Planned Development (C-1/ITR/R-3/PD) Zoning
District, as Applicable, all to the R-3 Medium Density
Residential/Planned Development (R-3/PD) Zoning District