City of Sunnyvale  
Meeting Minutes  
Planning Commission  
Monday, August 28, 2023  
7:00 PM  
Online and Bay Conference Room  
(Room 145), City Hall,  
456 W. Olive Ave.,  
Sunnyvale, CA 94086  
Special Meeting: No Study Session | Public Hearing - 7:00 PM  
Chair Pyne called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  
Chair Pyne led the salute to the flag.  
Present: 6 -  
Chair Martin Pyne  
Commissioner Galen Kim Davis  
Commissioner Daniel Howard  
Commissioner John Howe  
Commissioner Michael Serrone  
Commissioner Neela Shukla  
Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Nathan Iglesias  
Vice Chair Iglesias’ absence is excused.  
There were no public speakers for this agenda item.  
MOTION: Commissioner Howe moved and Commissioner Shukla seconded the  
motion to approve the Consent Calendar.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
Yes: 6 -  
Chair Pyne  
Commissioner Davis  
Commissioner Howard  
Commissioner Howe  
Commissioner Serrone  
Commissioner Shukla  
No: 0  
Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Iglesias  
Approve Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of August 14, 2023  
Approve Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of August 14, 2023 as submitted.  
Proposed Project:  
Related applications on a 0.40-acre site:  
SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: to allow demolition of an  
existing one-story single-family residence and construct eight  
three-story townhomes.  
TENTATIVE MAP: to subdivide the parcel into eight lots plus a  
common lot.  
Location: 444 Old San Francisco Road (APN: 211-01-031)  
File #: 2020-7112  
Zoning: R-4/PD (High Density Residential/Planned Development  
Combining District)  
Applicant / Owner: Silicon Valley Wzredwood Capital LLC  
Environmental Review: A Class 32 Categorical Exemption relieves  
this project from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) provisions.  
Project Planner: Aastha Vashist, (408) 730-7458,  
Senior Planner Aastha Vashist presented the staff report with a slide presentation.  
She clarified that the average residential unit size for the proposed project is 2,490  
square feet. She also added that these units will include fiber glass entry doors and  
steel garage doors with a faux-wood finish.  
At Commissioner Davis’ request, Senior Planner Vashist explained why the  
proposed project will include eight residential units although the General Plan Policy  
HE-4.3 requires at least nine units for the proposed project site. Senior Planner  
Vashist also clarified how the proposed project is substantially compliant with the  
intent of this policy.  
Commissioner Davis confirmed with Senior Planner Vashist that the sidewalk on the  
proposed project site will be widened.  
Commissioner Davis asked about the allowable density for the proposed project site  
if the proposed project had included affordable housing units. Senior Planner  
Vashist stated that she would provide an answer at a later time.  
Commissioner Davis confirmed with Senior Planner Vashist that the proposed  
project’s setbacks on the side abutting the adjacent senior housing development is  
15 feet. Senior Planner Vashist also confirmed that the overall height of the  
proposed project is 47 feet where 55 feet is allowed.  
Commissioner Shukla confirmed with Senior Planner Vashist that the proposed  
project’s community space may be utilized by all residents of the proposed project.  
Commissioner Shukla and Senior Planner Vashist discussed the naming process for  
the new street addresses of the proposed project’s residential units.  
Commissioner Serrone confirmed with Senior Planner Vashist that the proposed  
project is subject to the City’s Reach Codes pertaining to EV chargers.  
Commissioner Serrone confirmed with Senior Planner Vashist that the applicant’s  
acoustical consultant will review the proposed project’s final construction drawings  
and determine that all proposed measures to reduce noise will meet City standards.  
Commissioner Serrone inquired about Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)  
requirements that the proposed project is subject to. Senior Planner Vashist stated  
that the applicant may provide additional details on this subject.  
Commissioner Serrone confirmed with Senior Planner Vashist that although the  
applicant applied for a Senate Bill No. 330 (SB 330) Preliminary Application, this  
permit is not required of all developments.  
Chair Pyne confirmed with Senior Planner Vashist that the process for determining  
the street address for each of the proposed project’s residential units will take place  
at the building permit stage. Principal Planner George Schroeder added that each  
unit will likely be assigned a designated number.  
Chair Pyne expressed his concerns about the legality of allowing the proposed  
project to deviate from such objective standards and policies as constructing a  
minimum of 75% of the maximum allowable zoning density. Senior Planner Vashist  
and Principal Planner Schroeder explained that projects are reviewed on an  
individual basis and deviations are discretionary. They added that, in this case, a  
deviation to the aforementioned policy was supported since the proposed project  
provides home ownership opportunities, and it is not able to include an additional  
unit due to constraints posed by the proposed project site.  
Commissioner Howard inquired about the applicant’s choice to pay an in-lieu fee to  
satisfy the requirement of 1.2 Below Market Rate (BMR) units. Senior Planner  
Vashist stated that the applicant may elaborate on this matter later.  
Chair Pyne opened the Public Hearing.  
Henry Hong Zeng, architect for the proposed project, presented additional  
information about the proposed project.  
Commissioner Serrone discussed with Mr. Zeng and Joyce Liu (representative of  
the property owner) the features of the proposed project’s ADA unit and the codes it  
must comply with.  
Commissioner Davis confirmed with Senior Planner Vashist that recessed windows  
for the proposed project were recommended and not required.  
Diana Lord spoke in support of the proposed project’s design and ability to provide  
housing. She also discussed her concerns regarding the negative impacts that the  
proposed project will have upon noise, traffic, and parking on the adjacent senior  
housing development’s parking lot.  
Chair Pyne discussed with Ms. Lord the current process for regulating unauthorized  
parking at the senior housing development’s parking lot.  
Ms. Liu presented additional information about the proposed project.  
Commissioner Shukla and Ms. Liu deliberated upon the proposed project’s initial  
application and its evolution to its current state.  
Chair Pyne closed the Public Hearing.  
Commissioner Howard confirmed with Senior Planner Vashist that the Planning  
Commission is not required to address the in-lieu fee requested by the applicant to  
satisfy the BMR requirement since this matter is not under their discretion.  
Commissioner Davis commended the proposed project’s ability to provide sizeable  
ownership units that may support a three-generation household. He also recognized  
that the proposed project complies with almost all of the City’s objective standards.  
Commissioner Shukla applauded the applicant for considering feedback provided by  
the Planning Commission at a previous study session. She complimented the  
proposed project’s inclusion of a living room and half bathroom on the first floor, its  
ability to act as multigenerational housing, and its use of trees that will mitigate  
street sound. She also noted her concerns regarding the proposed project’s lack of  
street parking and insufficient lighting for its common space.  
MOTION: Commissioner Howe moved and Commissioner Howard seconded the  
motion to approve Alternative 1 – Make the required Findings to approve the CEQA  
determination that the project is categorically exempt from further environmental  
review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 as noted in Attachment 3 and  
approve the Special Development Permit and Tentative Map subject to the Findings  
in Attachment 3, the Recommended Conditions of Approval in Attachment 4, and the  
noted clarifications in the staff report.  
The clarifications to the staff report are as follows:  
1.) The average residential unit size is 2,490 square feet.  
2.) The fiber glass entry doors and steel garage doors with a faux-wood finish  
would complement the proposed architectural style.  
Commissioner Howe stated that the parking requirements for the proposed project  
have been met, and the inclusion of an additional residential unit would reduce the  
square footage of the planned number of residential units for the proposed project.  
Commissioner Howard spoke in overall support of the proposed project.  
Commissioner Serrone voiced his support of the motion and the proposed project.  
He also noted available parking options surrounding the proposed project site and  
stated that the fence that will be located on the street frontage of the proposed  
project site will serve decorative purposes if not act as a buffer for noise.  
Commissioner Davis confirmed his support of the motion and emphasized that the  
proposed project meets the City’s parking requirements.  
Chair Pyne expressed his support of the motion. He added that while he would have  
favored the inclusion of more units, findings for the deviation to the General Plan  
Policy HE-4.3 are substantially met to support the planned number of units for the  
proposed project. He also stated that findings for the requested deviation to the  
setback requirements are met. He applauded the proposed project’s compliance  
with green space and parking lot shading requirements and its ability to provide  
ownership opportunities. Lastly, he advocated for a new parking enforcement  
system for the adjacent senior housing development to prevent unauthorized visitors  
from occupying parking spaces.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
Yes: 6 -  
Chair Pyne  
Commissioner Davis  
Commissioner Howard  
Commissioner Howe  
Commissioner Serrone  
Commissioner Shukla  
No: 0  
Absent: 1 - Vice Chair Iglesias  
This decision is final unless appealed or called up for review by the City Council by  
5:00 PM on Tuesday, September 12, 2023.  
Planning Commission Proposed Study Issues, Calendar Year: 2024  
(Information Only)  
-Commissioner Comments  
-Staff Comments  
Planning Officer Shaunn Mendrin informed the Commissioners that the appeal of  
the proposed project at 148 and 156 Crescent Avenue will be considered at the City  
Council meeting of August 29, 2023.  
Planning Officer Mendrin advised that the Planning Commission meeting of  
September 11, 2023 is canceled.  
Planning Officer Mendrin stated that there will be a joint meeting of the City Council  
with Board and Commission Chairs and Vice Chairs on November 14, 2023.  
Planning Officer Mendrin announced that the training offered by the Department of  
Public Safety regarding the security of the Council Chambers and Bay Conference  
Room has been rescheduled to Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 6 p.m.  
Chair Pyne adjourned the meeting at 8:37 PM.