Camino Real Specific Plan to Low-Medium Density
Residential, and remove the property from the El Camino
Real Specific Plan area;
b. Change the General Plan land use designation for the
properties at 260 North Pastoria Avenue (APN 165-27-
003), 280 North Pastoria Avenue (APN 165-27-004), 286
North Pastoria Avenue (APN 165-27-005) and 290 North
Pastoria Avenue (APN 165-27-006) with legal
nonconforming residential uses, from Peery Park Specific
Plan to Low Density Residential, and remove the parcels
from the Peery Park Specific Plan area; and
c. Change the General Plan land use designation for 22 legal
non-conforming single-family and two-family dwelling sites
at 411, 415 and 421 Charles Street, 433, 434, 437 and
440 Waverly Street, 572, 602, 656, 702 and 798 West
Iowa Avenue, 428, 432 and 435 Florence Street, and
1301-1320 Oxbow Court, from Office to Low-Medium
Density Residential.
2. Introduce an Ordinance Amending the Zoning Districts Map,
a. Rezone the property at 591 South Murphy Avenue from El
Camino Real - Commercial (ECR-C) to Low Medium
Density Residential/Office (R-2/O);
b. Rezone the properties at 260, 280, 286 and 290 North
Pastoria Avenue from Peery Park Specific Plan/Mixed
Industry Core (PPSP/MIC) to Low Density Residential (R-
c. Rezone the properties at 411, 415 and 421 Charles Street,
433, 434, 437 and 440 Waverly Street, 572, 602, 656, 702
and 798 West Iowa Avenue, 428, 432 and 435 Florence
Street, and 1301-1320 Oxbow Court from
Administrative-Professional Office/Planned Development
(O/PD) to Low Medium Density Residential (R-2);
3. Introduce an Ordinance Amending the Zoning Districts Map,
Rezone sites within the Industrial to Residential (ITR)
combining district that have redeveloped as residential
uses from Industrial and Service (M-S), General Industrial
(M-3) or the combined Neighborhood
Business/Industrial-to-Residential/Medium Density
Residential/Planned Development (C-1/ITR/R3/PD) zoning
district, all to Medium Density Residential/Planned
Development (R3/PD); the subject sites are spread
throughout the city in five areas, generally bounded by (a)
Tasman Drive, Morse Avenue, John W. Christian
Greenbelt and Fair Oaks Avenue, (b) E. Duane Avenue,
Lawrence Expressway, Stewart Drive and Britton Avenue,