Commissioner Pyne called attention to Recommended Conditions of Approval BP-6
and BP-8 (g) and asked where construction parking will be permitted and how it will
be enforced. Senior Planner Ishijima explained that a Construction Management
Plan (CMP) is required prior to the issuance of any grading, demolition, or building
permit. She added that the CMP will identify where construction materials will be
placed, where construction crew will park, and where offsite parking will be located
if applicable.
Commissioner Pyne stated that per the Parking Management Plan (Attachment 10),
rules regulating parking in the private streets may be adopted. He asked about the
timeframe for the adoption of these rules. Senior Planner Ishijima responded that
the applicant may answer this question, but she assumed that this would be done
once the HOA for the proposed development is established.
Commissioner Serrone confirmed with Planning Officer Shaunn Mendrin that the
City must grant any concessions requested by the applicant. He also confirmed with
Principal Planner Noren Caliva-Lepe that the applicant’s waivers must also be
approved if they meet State Density Bonus Law findings. Senior Assistant City
Attorney Sandra Lee emphasized that there does not appear to be any basis for the
City to deny any of the concessions requested by the applicant and explained why.
Commissioner Serrone and Senior Planner Ishijima discussed how the number of
parking spaces were calculated for 3- and 4-bedroom units. She explained that the
four unassigned parking spaces outside of the garage are not anticipated to be
assigned to a specific unit.
Commissioner Serrone confirmed with Senior Planner Ishijima that while the El
Camino Real Specific Plan (ECRSP) does not have requirements for unassigned or
uncovered parking spaces, the proposed project will include four unassigned
spaces and exceeds the total parking requirement by 13.
Commissioner Serrone noted that the applicant has waived the requirement for one
loading space per lot. Senior Planner Ishijima advised that the proposed project will
include one unassigned parking space that is wider than the rest which may be
used for loading purposes.
Commissioner Serrone asked about the requested waiver for the ground floor plate
height and Senior Planner Ishijima stated that the architect for the proposed project
may provide details on this subject.