2. Require dual water piping for all development;
3. In-lieu of the recessing requirements, the treatments called out in Updated
Attachment 9, Response 158, Section 4.c on façade modulation shall be
acceptable, with the removal of the 18-inch depth change requirement from this
4. Substitute average step back/floorplates for minimum step backs/floorplates, per
staff response to Council Question 2-10;
5. Modify change Updated Attachment 9, Response 148, Section iii. High-rise
buildings in MP-R and MP-MU districts, 0.3 (Reduction in mass) to:
a. Building floor plates greater than 100 feet in height shall not exceed 25,000
square feet;
b. Building floor plates greater than 140 feet in height shall not exceed 20,000
square feet;
c. Building floor plates greater than 180 feet in height shall not exceed 15,000
square feet;
6. MPSP Section 10.4 (Implementation Actions), Table 29 move Groundwater Data
Collection from Medium-Term Actions to Immediate Actions;
7. Economic feasibility to examine architectural, sustainability, and community
benefits requirements, studying targeting the possible following topologies:
a. Infill office building added to tech campus;
b. 5-over-1 apartments;
c. Add high-rise residential building; and
8. Incorporate suggested language to MPSP Section 10.5 (Funding and Financing
Strategy) from response to Council Question 2-50 regarding Council approval for
formation of enhanced infrastructure financing districts to add “and Sunnyvale City
Council” after "...these tools require approval by affected stakeholders."
FRIENDLY AMENDMENT: Councilmember Mehlinger offered a friendly amendment
to add the definition of Artist Studio, "Workspace for one or more artists or artisans,
including the accessory sale of art produced on the premises and which does not
include any dwelling space" to SMC Chapter 19.12 (Definitions). Vice Mayor Din
accepted the friendly amendment.
FRIENDLY AMENDMENT: Councilmember Mehlinger offered a friendly amendment
to rename several neighborhoods as follows:
a. Discovery Neighborhood to Onizuka Neighborhood;
b. West Mathilda Neighborhood to Posolmi Neighborhood;
c. Chesapeake Neighborhood to Sunrise Neighborhood;
d. North Java Neighborhood to NoJa Neighborhood; and
e. South Java Neighborhood to SoJa Neighborhood.
Vice Mayor Din accepted the friendly amendment.