All matters listed on the consent calendar will be acted upon by one motion unless
discussion is requested by a Commissioner or the public. To address the Planning
Commission, refer to the notice at the end of this agenda.
Approve Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of February 10, 2025
Approve Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of February
10, 2025 as submitted.
Proposed Project:
DESIGN REVIEW: Construct a one-story addition of 575
square feet to an existing two-story single-family home,
resulting in 2,926 square feet (2,451 square feet living area and
475 square feet garage) and 49% floor area ratio (FAR).
Location: 842 Hollenbeck Avenue (APN: 201-24-011)
File #: PLNG-2024-0713
Zoning: R-0 (Low Density Residential)
Applicant / Owner: Sherman Lee (applicant) / Shih-Chieh Huang
Environmental Review: A Class 1 Categorical Exemption relieves
this project from environmental review under the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). (CEQA Guidelines Section 15301)
Project Planner: Gabriela Ventura, (408) 730-7407,
Alternative 1: Approve the Design Review based on the
Recommended Findings in Attachment 3 and subject to the
Recommended Conditions of Approval in Attachment 4.
To speak on a public hearing/general business item, refer to notice at the end of
this agenda. Each speaker is limited to three minutes. For land use items,
applicants are limited to 10 minutes for opening comments and five minutes for
closing comments.
Proposed Project:
Introduce an ordinance to Amend Chapter 19.67 (Inclusionary Below
Market Rate Ownership Housing Program) and Chapter 19.77
(Inclusionary Below Market Rate rental housing) of Title 19 (Zoning) of
the Sunnyvale Municipal Code to Modify Requirements for Qualified
Retail Preservation Projects, Adopt a Resolution to establish a retail
preservation incentive program for certain village center sites and
Find that the Proposed Amendments Are Consistent with the
Environmental Impact Report for the Land Use and Transportation
Element (LUTE) and Do Not Require Additional Environmental
Review Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162.
Location: Citywide Village Center Sites