All matters listed on the consent calendar will be acted upon by one motion unless
discussion is requested by a Commissioner or the public. To address the Planning
Commission, refer to the notice at the end of this agenda.
Approve Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of January 27, 2025
Approve Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of January 27,
2025 as submitted.
Proposed Project:
Related applications on a 0.14-acre site:
DESIGN REVIEW: To allow construction of a 398 square-foot
first story addition and 760 square-foot second story addition to
an existing one-story single-family home, on a 6,215.62
square-foot lot, resulting in a single-family home of 2,952 square
feet and 47.5% Floor Area Ratio (FAR).
Location: 721 Harvard Ave (APN: 201-10-001)
File #: PLNG-2024-0361
Zoning: R-0 (Low Density Residential)
Applicant / Owner: Walter Chapman (applicant) / Mark and Briana
Tabry (owners)
Environmental Review: A Class 1 Categorical Exemption relieves
this project from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Project Planner: Julia Klein, (408) 730-7463,
Alternative 1: Find that the Project is Exempt from CEQA
Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 and Approve the
Design Review based on the Recommended Findings in
Attachment 3 and subject to the Recommended Conditions of
Approval in Attachment 4.
To speak on a public hearing/general business item, refer to notice at the end of
this agenda. Each speaker is limited to three minutes. For land use items,
applicants are limited to 10 minutes for opening comments and five minutes for
closing comments.
Consider Potential Modifications to Relocation Assistance
Requirements for Sunnyvale Municipal Code Chapter 19.71 Residential
Tenant Protections Programs and Provide Direction to Staff
Recommend to City Council Alternative 1: Do not modify
Sunnyvale Municipal Code (SMC) Chapter 19.71: Residential
Tenant Protections Programs, and keep relocation assistance
for no fault, just cause evictions at two months of rent.