City of Sunnyvale  
Meeting Minutes  
Zoning Administrator Hearing  
Wednesday, July 10, 2024  
3:00 PM  
Teleconference: City Web Stream  
Public Participation  
Accessibility/Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice  
George Schroeder, Zoning Administrator, called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.  
Proposed Project:  
SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT to demolish an existing one-story  
commercial building and construct a new 999 square feet one-story  
office building and 4,967 square feet two-story office building with  
podium parking. The project requests a deviation to allow 20-foot front  
yard setback, where 70 feet minimum is required.  
Location: 1689 South Wolfe Road (APN: 309-51-028)  
File #: 2022-7340  
Zoning: C-1/PD (Neighborhood Business with a Planned Development  
combining district)  
Applicant / Owner: Joseph Bellomo Architects (applicant)/PSR  
Development Inc. (owners)  
Environmental Review: A Class 3 Categorical Exemption relieves  
this project from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)  
Project Planner: Mary Jeyaprakash, 408-730-7449,  
Mr. Schroeder inquired with Mary Jeyaprakash, Project Planner, if there were any  
additions to the staff report or comments.  
Ms. Jeyaprakash had no additions to the staff report and requested a continuance  
for this item to a date certain of September 11, 2024.  
Mr. Schroeder noted the applicant was not present.  
Mr. Schroeder opened the hearing to public comments.  
No members of the public wished to speak on this item.  
ACTION: Continue the item to a date certain of September 11, 2024.  
Mr. Schroeder adjourned the hearing at 3:03 p.m.