City of Sunnyvale  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Sustainability Commission  
Monday, March 20, 2023  
7:00 PM  
Online and Conference Room,  
Washington Community Swim Center,  
255 S. Pastoria Ave.,  
Sunnyvale, CA 94086  
Chair Wickham called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Washington  
Community Swim Center.  
Chair Wickham led the salute to the flag.  
Present: 7 -  
Chair Kristel Wickham  
Vice Chair Douglas Kunz  
Commissioner Kathryn Besser  
Commissioner Jeffery Nabhan  
Commissioner Kristina Pistone  
Commissioner Tonya Veitch  
Commissioner Justin Wang  
Council Liaison – Councilmember Sell (present)  
Vice Chair Kunz arrived at 7:10 p.m.  
Commissioner Wang arrived at 8:40 p.m.  
Chair Wickham, Vice Chair Kunz, all Commissioners, and Councilmember Sell  
attended in-person.  
PRESENTATION - Silicon Valley Clean Energy Programs  
Nupur Hiremath, Manager of Decarbonization Programs and Policy; Monica Padilla,  
Chief Operating Officer and Director of Power Resources; Bena Chang, Senior  
Government Affairs Manager; Anthony Eulo, Senior Public Sector Services  
Manager; and Zoe Elizabeth, Deputy Director of Decarbonization Programs and  
Policy, from Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) provided an overview of SVCE’s  
power resource plan, policy updates, community programs, incentive and rebate  
programs, and pathways for electrification. The Commission asked clarifying  
questions, and SVCE staff provided answers.  
Andrea Walt communicated their concerns regarding artificial turf in Sunnyvale and  
requested that the Commission consider studying the ban or limitation of the  
installation of artificial turf in Sunnyvale.  
Approve the Sustainability Commission Meeting Minutes of  
February 20, 2023  
Chair Wickham noted that the agenda referenced February 20, 2023, however the  
minutes are for the February 21, 2023.  
Commissioner Veitch moved, and Vice Chair Kunz seconded, a motion to approve  
the consent calendar reflecting the correct date for the February meeting.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
Yes: 5 -  
Chair Wickham  
Vice Chair Kunz  
Commissioner Pistone  
Commissioner Veitch  
Commissioner Wang  
No: 0  
Abstain: 2 -  
Commissioner Besser  
Commissioner Nabhan  
Proposed Project:  
Council to:  
Forward Recommendation to the City  
Location: Moffett Park Specific Plan Area (APN: Various)  
File #: 2022-7673  
Zoning: Various  
Environmental Review: A Draft Environmental Impact Report  
(DEIR) has been prepared to evaluate the proposed project in  
accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental  
Quality Act (CEQA).  
Project Planner: Michelle King, (408) 730-7463,  
Shaunn Mendrin, Planning Officer, provided an overview of the Moffett Park  
Specific Plan (MPSP), highlighting the environmental and sustainability aspects of  
the plan. Kelly Cha, Associate Planner, and supporting consultants Chris Sensenig  
with Raimi Associates, Kristy Weis and Amber Sharpe with David J. Powers and  
Associates, and James Reyff with Illingworth and Rodkin provided answers to the  
Commissioners’ questions.  
Commissioner Pistone inquired about how the decision to allow artificial turf in the  
plan was made. Mr. Sensenig clarified that the City could make that determination  
via policy or on a project level basis; the plan just allows the option. Commissioner  
Pistone asked how the bike lanes within the plan will connect with other parts of the  
City. Mr. Sensenig clarified that two other projects are being considered by the City  
which would result in bike route connections. Commissioner Pistone asked if  
outdoor dining was considered within the plan area. Mr. Sensenig clarified that retail  
and food and beverage land use areas in the plan are along pedestrian corridors  
and they expect outdoor dining to a popular choice.  
Commissioner Veitch asked what the allocation of affordable housing would be in  
the plan area, as well as clarification on the definition of affordable housing within  
Sunnyvale. Mr. Sensenig responded that affordable housing would comprise 15% of  
the housing in the area, following Citywide policy. Commissioner Veitch asked for  
clarification on which schools serve this area and how transportation to and from  
these locations is supported by the Plan. Ms. Weis described which schools serve  
this area and clarified that transportation to and from the schools would be  
considered at time of each residential development.  
Commissioner Wang inquired about efforts to coordinate with the community in  
regards to sea-level rise and rising ground water levels. Mr. Sensenig responded  
that the project team has coordinated with a variety of different stakeholders on this  
topic, and specifically called out their collaboration with Valley Water in regard to  
this topic. Commissioner Wang also asked how the downturn in the economy and  
layoffs affecting property owners within this plan area, who are integral to achieving  
some of the plan goals, might impact the plan’s urban ecology and resilience goals.  
Mr. Sensenig responded that the plan is very specific in terms of the design  
requirements, but timing of development activities could be delayed due to the  
current and/or future economic conditions. Commissioner Wang asked how the plan  
ensures continuity and cohesion between the ecological and park areas being  
developed by different property owners or developers. Mr. Sensenig clarified that  
these elements are required in the areas identified as the plan, with some flexibility  
where there are single vs multiple property owners. There are design specifications  
for each open space area, for block size and characteristics, and requirements for  
canopy cover that help ensure the cohesion. Commissioner Wang asked what the  
impact on air quality might be as population in this area increases. Ms. Weis  
explained the air quality assessment components. She clarified that the Draft  
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) found that the construction activities to develop  
MPSP area to the plan design standards would result in significant and unavoidable  
impacts. The specific plan includes requirements for developers to implement  
mitigation measures to reduce this impact to the greatest extent possible. Mr. Reyff  
clarified that the assessment also included an analysis of the impacts of current  
sources of air pollution and how to avoid future development being impacted by  
these current sources. Commissioner Wang inquired about the areas on and near  
Lockheed Marin’s property and whether the City anticipates Lockheed will develop  
those areas. Mr. Sensenig clarified that there is a portion of that area that Lockheed  
can develop or that they can transfer to another area of the MPSP, while the  
northernmost part indicated for park or open space cannot be developed. The  
optional development area is an incentive for Lockheed to not develop the area, by  
being able to transfer it. Ms. Cha clarified that these areas and boundaries were  
developed with significant input from Lockheed as well as environmental groups.  
Commissioner Nabhan inquired about volume of anticipated demolition and required  
recycling rates. Ms. Weis clarified that the City requires 65% of construction and  
demolition waste. Ms. Cha clarified that they are unable to calculate the volume of  
demolition expected.  
Vice Chair Kunz asked for clarification on how the MPSP aligns with and supports  
current City goals and policies and whether there are metrics that show this  
alignment. Ms. Cha explained that they do not have metrics showing what full build  
out of this plan would help achieve in regard to the City’s plans and policies. Vice  
Chair Kunz encouraged the team to develop them to better support the MPSP. Vice  
Chair Kunz also inquired about how the various policies and goals are being  
balanced. Mr. Mendrin clarified that some of those specific conflicts are resolved at  
the design standard level. Mr. Sensenig clarified that they took a very holistic  
approach to ensuring that this plan improves the area in line with the City’s vision.  
Vice Chair Kunz asked how much parking surface area there currently is in the plan  
area. Mr. Sensenig replied that he does not have the exact number, but it is a  
majority of the area and they expect very little surface parking to remain after plan  
build out. Vice Chair Kunz inquired about the bird safe design. Mr. Sensenig replied  
that they follow San Francisco bird safe design standards and worked with San  
Francisco Estuary to write the standards. Ms. Cha clarified that the policies in the  
plan focus on window glazing and outdoor lighting. Vice Chair Kunz asked how the  
plan incorporates public transit as well as private carpool or transit. Mr. Mendrin  
clarified that Valley Transportation Authority has been included in these  
conversations and they are looking at adding a stop in the plan area. They have  
also looked at forming a local transportation agency for businesses to contribute to  
and that would assist in setting up transit to and from the downtown area. Mr.  
Sensenig added that Java Drive and Mathilda Road will become critical  
transportation corridors.  
Chair Wickham asked how the public comments were being addressed and whether  
the plan would be changed in between the Sustainability Commission’s  
recommendation and City Council’s hearing on the plan. Mr. Sensenig clarified that  
they have already addressed all public comments and will be making staff  
recommendations on further changes to the plan based on the feedback gathered at  
the Commission meetings to present to the Planning Commission next week. Ms.  
Weis added that the comments received on the Draft EIR will be incorporated into  
the Final EIR which will go to Council. Chair Wickham asked about the development  
projects currently underway and whether they algin with the plan’s goals. Mr.  
Sensenig clarified that they do complement the plan. Chair Wickham noted that  
there is a dark sky policy reference in the plan, but that the City does not have a  
dark sky policy and asked how that will be incorporated. Mr. Sensenig clarified that  
there are specific requirements within the plan for developers to follow and that they  
would be specific to Moffett Park. Chair Wickham inquired about the existing natural  
gas infrastructure. Mr. Sensenig responded that the current infrastructure will need  
to remain.  
Chair Wickham opened the Public Hearing  
Councilmember Linda Sell thanked the staff and Commissioners for the thoughtful  
presentation and questions.  
Ray Hashimoto with HMH Engineers representing Miramar Capital spoke to issues  
with their property and some of the plan requirements.  
Laird Bennion representing Miramar Capital commended the plan and spoke to  
issues with their property development and some of the plan requirements.  
Natalie Telwiak spoke in support of building mass timber buildings within the plan  
Chair Wickham closed the Public Hearing.  
Commissioner Wang urged staff and Council to ensure that developers do go above  
and beyond, rather than rely on goodwill.  
Vice Chair Kunz commended staff for the time put into the in-depth analysis for this  
plan. He commended them for the vision of transforming the plan area and the  
incorporation of ecology and sea-level rise adaptation.  
Chair Wickham urged the Commission to commend the sustainable elements of this  
plan and that these were added while ensuring the plan area is attractive to  
Commissioner Pistone disagrees with the inclusion of artificial turf as a ground  
cover option.  
Vice Chair Kunz moved, and Commissioner Wang seconded, a motion to approve  
Alternative 1 to recommend that City Council approve the Moffett Park Specific Plan  
as proposed.  
Yes: 7 -  
Chair Wickham  
Vice Chair Kunz  
Commissioner Besser  
Commissioner Nabhan  
Commissioner Pistone  
Commissioner Veitch  
Commissioner Wang  
No: 0  
Consideration for adding a member to the Sustainability  
Speaker Series Subcommittee  
Chair Wickham described the intention and responsibility of the Sustainability  
Speaker Series Subcommittee. The current members are Commissioners Wang,  
Pistone and Veitch. Commissioner Wang has expressed interest in relinquishing his  
Chair Wickham opened the floor for nominations.  
Commissioner Besser nominated herself.  
Chair Wickham confirmed Commissioner Besser’s self-nomination and asked if  
there were any other nominations. There were none.  
Chair Wickham closed the floor for nominations.  
Chair Wickham opened the Public Hearing.  
There were no public comments.  
Chair Wickham closed the Public Hearing.  
MOTION: Commissioner Veitch moved, and Commissioner Wang seconded, a  
motion to appoint Commissioner Besser to the Sustainability Speaker Series  
FRIENDLY AMENDMENT: Commissioner Wang offered a friendly amendment to  
include that Commissioner Wang will relinquish his subcommittee seat.  
Commissioners Veitch and Wang accepted the friendly amendment.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
Yes: 7 -  
Chair Wickham  
Vice Chair Kunz  
Commissioner Besser  
Commissioner Nabhan  
Commissioner Pistone  
Commissioner Veitch  
Commissioner Wang  
No: 0  
-Commissioner Comments  
Commissioner Pistone recommended the podcast Volts.  
Commissioner Veitch reminded commissioners that April is Earth Month and  
Sunnyvale is hosting an Earth Day event on April 15. She also shared that the City  
of Cupertino’s Earth Day and Arbor Day celebration is on April 22, and Acterra is  
offering many events to get engaged in during the month of April.  
Vice Chair Kunz expressed appreciation for being back in-person. He thanked the  
City Clerk and Sunnyvale staff for making the transition possible.  
Commissioner Besser announced an upcoming bee and butterfly habitat tour in the  
Cherry Hill neighborhood. She will provide more information soon on the event date.  
Chair Wickham invited the Commission to sit on an ideation panel for recycled water  
in Sunnyvale. Chair Wickham thanked SVCE for including information on the recent  
adoption of Bay Area Air Quality Management District's Rule 9-4 and 9-6  
-Staff Comments  
Madeline Khair, Environmental Programs Manager, reported on previously hosted  
events and reminded Commissioners of upcoming events. She noted that the next  
Sustainability Commission meeting is scheduled to be at the new Sunnyvale City  
Hall on April 17. She shared that the new Stormwater and Watershed Environmental  
Programs Specialist was hired.  
Updated Annual Work Plan March 2023  
Chair Wickham adjourned meeting at 11:07 p.m.