At Commissioner Serrone’s request, Director of Community Development Trudi
Ryan explained why amendments to the Peery Park Specific Plan Land Use Table
are required.
Commissioner Serrone confirmed with Director of Community Development Trudi
Ryan that a trash collection program is being considered for unhoused residents
and that an ordinance is not required for it to take effect.
At Vice Chair Davis’ request, Director of Community Development Trudi Ryan
defined the term “referral only” as it pertains to best practice operating standards for
Safe Parking Program sites.
At Commissioner Pyne’s request, Director of Community Development Trudi Ryan
provided information on the requirements for public hearings for Safe Parking
Program sites in such cities as Mountain View, Fremont, Palo Alto, and San Jose.
Commissioner Pyne confirmed with Homeless Services Manager Amanda Sztoltz
that the Planning Commission will likely not review a proposed Safe Parking
Program’s policies and screening procedures. She added that applicants will be
contractually obligated to meet applicable requirements before a program’s
operations may begin. Director of Community Development Trudi Ryan added that
the ordinance outlines the permit application materials that the Planning
Commission will review.
Commissioner Figone confirmed with Homeless Services Manager Sztoltz that there
are agencies that provide mobile health visits to Safe Parking Program sites. She
added that such services are limited for animals.
Commissioner Figone questioned whether City residents may be prioritized for Safe
Parking Programs. Homeless Services Manager Sztoltz explained that the City may
prioritize the eligibility of those who reside or work in the City and/or those who have
children in a City school district for programs that are fully funded by the City.
Director of Community Development Trudi Ryan added that the City may have
limited discretion to determine eligibility for programs that receive additional funding
from other sources.
Commissioner Figone asked whether private security will be in place at Safe
Parking Program sites. Homeless Services Manager Sztoltz responded that while
this will not be a requirement due to its costliness, an on-site 24/7 program operator
or roving security to visit various sites will be considered instead.