even if technical difficulties prevent online participation.
The Chair may determine it would be impractical to include remote public comment
during Oral Communications.
Online public comment:
To provide audio public comment, connect to the meeting online or by telephone.
Use the Raise Hand feature to request to speak (*9 on a telephone):
Meeting call in telephone number: 833 548 0276 | Meeting ID: 873 5133 0039
(*9 to request to speak | *6 to unmute/mute)
Watch the Sustainability Commission meeting at
Written public comment:
Email comments to the Sustainability Commission no later than 4 hours before the
meeting at sustainabilitycommission@sunnyvale.ca.gov. You can also mail or
deliver comments to:
City Clerk, 456 W. Olive Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Public review of items:
You can view reports to commission on the City’s website at sunnyvale.ca.gov. You
can also review reports in person at the City Hall reception desk, 456 W. Olive
Avenue, during normal business hours. Any other documents distributed to
members of the Sustainability Commission regarding any item on this agenda are
available in the Redwood Conference Room on the evening of the Commission
Meeting. Otherwise, contact Christina Raby at 408-730-7742 or
craby@sunnyvale.ca.gov for questions.
Planning a presentation for a Sustainability Commission meeting?
Planning to provide materials to the Commission?
Please provide the Sustainability Commission with 12 copies of your materials.
Language Access and Translation