separately, please refer to the notice at the beginning of this agenda.
Approve Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of November 25, 2024
Approve Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of November
25, 2024 as submitted.
Annual Review of the Code of Ethics and Conduct for Elected and
Appointed Officials
Proposed Project:
Forward recommendations related to Study Issue CDD 23-02, Housing
Element Program H45, and Land Use and Transportation Element
(LUTE) Policy LT-14.5d:
1. Adopt a Resolution to:
a. Change the General Plan land use designation for 591 South
Murphy Avenue (APN 209-30-012) from El Camino Real
Specific Plan to Low-Medium Density Residential, thereby
amending the El Camino Real Specific Plan boundary;
b. Change the General Plan land use designation for legal
non-conforming parcels at 260 North Pastoria Avenue
(APN 165-27-003), 280 North Pastoria Avenue (APN 165-
27-004), 286 North Pastoria Avenue (APN 165-27-005),
and 290 North Pastoria Avenue (APN 165-27-006) from
Peery Park Specific Plan to Low Density Residential,
thereby amending the Peery Park Specific Plan boundary;
c. Change the General Plan land use designation for certain
legal non-conforming single-family and two-family dwelling
sites from Office to Low-Medium Density Residential,
thereby amending the General Plan Land Use Map.
2. Introduce an Ordinance to:
a. Rezone 591 South Murphy Avenue from El Camino Real -
Commercial (ECR-C) to Low Medium Density
Residential/Office (R-2/O);
b. Rezone legal non-conforming parcels at 260 North Pastoria
Avenue, 280 North Pastoria Avenue, 286 North Pastoria
Avenue, and 290 North Pastoria Avenue from Peery Park
Specific Plan/Mixed Industry Core (PPSP/MIC) to Low
Density Residential (R-0);
c. Rezone 27 legal non-conforming single-family and two-family
dwelling sites from Administrative-Professional
Office/Planned Development (O/PD) to Low Medium
Density Residential (R-2);
d. Rezone sites within the Futures Study Area that have
redeveloped as residential use from Industrial and