Recommend to City Council to Adopt the Active Transportation Plan
The City of Sunnyvale currently has three individual transportation plans (Bicycle, Pedestrian and Safe Routes to School) that were created at different times with singular purposes. In order to develop a cohesive plan that coordinates each element, staff applied for and was awarded a Sustainable Communities grant to update and unify the three plans into one Active Transportation Plan. The three different plan elements need to be periodically updated in order to be eligible for various Federal, State and Regional grants; consolidation under one plan will unify the update timelines. The Active Transportation Plan has been created through an extensive year plus effort of gathering input from the public, school districts, adjoining jurisdictions and other stakeholders via in person meetings, network audits with the public and online outreach.
The Active Transportation Plan emphasizes developing a safe, comfortable, connected and low stress network that accommodates all users as opposed to solely building a network. The Active Transportation Plan also proposes performance goals such as achieving League of American Bicyclist-Bicycle Friendly Communities Silver status by 2030, increasing the bicycle mode share from 1.5% to 5% by 2030 and reducing traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 50% by 2029 in alignment with the previously adopted Vision Zero Plan. Within the Bike Plan portion this includes implementation of more Class I, IIIB and IV facilities and protected intersections, and in the Pedestrian and Safe Routes to School portions it includes reducing sidewalk gaps, enhancing comfort and safety via increased width and shade trees and intersection improvements.
The Active Transportation Plan identified improvements for each of the three plan elements and categorized them into three priority levels (high, medium, and low) based on criterion such as collision history, equity, access/connections, community identified need, and commonality between the different plan elements. Planning level construction cost estimates with low/quick build and high/permanent-enhanced alternatives were developed along with typical design guidelines.
Adoption of the Active Transportation Plan will allow the City to work towards the goal of creating a connected, comfortable, safe and convenient network designed for all abilities and ages of bicyclists, pedestrians and children attending school. The Active Transportation Plan will facilitate goals of the Climate Action Playbook and the Vision Zero Plan.
The City has embraced a vision of an active and healthy community where bicycle and walking serve as important modes of transportation for the community. Through its plans and policies, the City supports healthier lifestyles, reduced dependence on automobiles, safer streets, reduced energy consumption, and the creation of vibrant neighborhoods.
In 2017, the City received a Sustainable Communities grant through the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to prepare an Active Transportation Plan (ATP), which integrates and updates three separate existing plans: a) 2006 Bicycle Plan, b) 2007 Pedestrian Safety and Opportunities Study, and c) 2012 Comprehensive School Traffic Study, (SRTS) into one unified document. On March 5, 2019, the Council approved an agreement for consultant services with Alta Planning + Design to prepare the ATP (RTC 18-0626).
The adoption of these plans is required for a jurisdiction to be eligible for outside funding from certain sources, such as the One Bay Area Grant program (OBAG) or the Active Transportation Program, administered through the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), and 2016 Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian Competitive Grant, administered through the Santa Clara County Valley Transportation Authority (VTA).
The City aims to improve existing infrastructure by identifying new projects through the implementation of the ATP. The identified projects from the ATP will improve connectivity and continuity to existing bicycle, pedestrian, and Safe Routes to School networks within the city, with neighboring jurisdictions, and with regional networks.
In addition, it is important that the City updates its current bicycle and pedestrian plan as the topic of multi-modal travel has gained popularity in many bay area jurisdictions due to population growth, increasing traffic congestion, and the spotlight on greenhouse gas reductions. Furthermore, the City would like to encourage students walking and biking to schools by implementing more bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure on routes to and from schools. Finally, bicycling as a mode of active transportation has increased in popularity and application driving new types of bicycle infrastructure improvements to be included in the ATP for implementation as opportunities arise.
In spring 2019, the City and Alta Planning + Design began the process of developing the ATP and with a workplan that focused on the following four project phases: 1) Develop Vision, Goals, and Policies, and identify Active Transportation Needs; 2) Recommend Active Transportation Improvements; 3) Review the Public Draft Plan; and 4) Final Plan Preparation and Completion.
Community engagement was a priority during the development of the ATP and a variety of outreach opportunities were used to seek input from diverse Sunnyvale residents and community members. The process also included coordination with neighboring agencies, such as the Valley Transportation Authority, Cities of Cupertino, Mountain View, and Santa Clara, Town of Los Altos, Caltrans, the County of Santa Clara, and Valley Water. As part of the development of the SRTS component, the project team conducted school walking audits at 21 public schools that serve Sunnyvale students during either arrival or dismissal. School officials, school district representatives, parents, along with the Sunnyvale SRTS Coordinator participated in the school walk audits to identify existing travel patterns and needs, which guided the project team in the development of SRTS recommendations. The City also held community workshops, mobile workshops, focus groups, and walking and bike tours during the needs assessment and recommendation phases of the ATP development. Additionally, the City’s commissions and committees were updated and consulted at key milestones throughout the development process.
The following outreach methods were implemented over the course of the process:
• Community workshop and webinar (2)
• Pop-up events (3)
• Biking tours (2)
• Walking tours (2)
• School walking audits (21)
• Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission meetings (5)
• Focus groups (5)
• Meetings with school districts
• Meeting with neighboring jurisdictions (1)
• Online interactive survey and mapping tool
• Online interactive Public Draft Review tool
• Social media posts (i.e. Facebook, Nextdoor, Constant Contact)
• City website (
The City website became a valuable tool for the project as staff used this method of communication to provide updates on the progress of the ATP. It included links for stakeholders to download and view community presentation materials as well as deliverables for each project phase.
In addition, the ATP has been agendized for updates and discussion at five Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC) meetings. The BPAC provided input and feedback on deliverables that were integrated into the ATP.
The City Council is scheduled to consider this item on July 28, 2020.
Resolution No. 793-16 Complete Streets Policy (and Resolution No. 896-18 amending Resolution No. 793-16): the City wishes to improve its commitment to Complete Streets and desires that its streets form a comprehensive and integrated transportation network promoting safe, equitable, and convenient travel for all users while preserving flexibility, recognizing community context, and using the latest and best design guidelines and standards.
General Plan, Chapter 3, Land Use and Transportation Element:
• Goal A: Coordinated Regional and Local Planning - Protect the quality of life, the natural environment, and property investment, preserve home rule, secure fair share of funding, and provide leadership in the region.
• Goal B: Coordinated Regional and Local Planning - Support the sustainable vision by incorporating sustainable features into land use and transportation decisions and practices.
• Goal C: An Effective Multimodal Transportation System - Offer the community a variety of transportation modes for local travel that are also integrated with the regional transportation system and land use pattern. Favor accommodation of alternative modes to the automobile as a means to enhance efficient transit use, bicycling, and walking and corresponding benefits to the environment, person-throughput, and qualitative improvements to the transportation system environment.
Vision Zero Plan
• Reduce fatalities and serious injuries by 50 percent by 2029 and to continue improving traffic safety towards zero fatal and serious injury collisions in the ten years that follow.
• Call to action to make Sunnyvale’s streets safer, especially for people biking and walking.
Climate Action Playbook
• Reduce vehicle miles traveled per person by 20% by 2030 and 25% by 2050.
Green Stormwater Infrastructure Plan
• Aim to gradually transform the City’s traditional storm drainage infrastructure to green stormwater infrastructure. Green stormwater infrastructure, such as bioretention rain gardens and pervious pavement, helps to reduce pollutants discharged in stormwater to local waterways.
The development and adoption of the ATP is a planning and feasibility study that will guide future actions by the City Council and is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines Section 15262.
CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 states:
A project involving only feasibility or planning studies for possible future actions which the agency, board, or commission has not approved, adopted, or funded does not require the preparation of an EIR or negative declaration but does require consideration of environmental factors. This section does not apply to the adoption of a plan that will have a legally binding effect on later activities.
The City of Sunnyvale’s ATP is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 because the ATP is a plan that will serve as a guide for Council to take future actions and to approve future grant applications. The ATP serves as a guiding document related to the education, encouragement, enforcement, and evaluation of future walking and bicycling network improvements and it will not have a legally binding effect on current activities (e.g., development project application review) or future Council actions.
Furthermore, implementation of the recommendations identified in the ATP would be dependent on the availability of funding sources and would be subject to future environmental review on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, no environmental review is required in connection with the adoption of the ATP.
The ATP is designed as a long-range planning document focused on encouraging bicycling and walking as a safe and healthy alternative to the motor vehicle. It provides a strategy to develop a comprehensive bicycling network that creates access to transit, schools, and other destinations. It also focuses on SRTS, prioritizing biking and walking safety along students’ path to school.
The ATP (Attachment 2) is divided into six chapters as listed below:
Chapter 1, Introduction, lays out the purpose of the 2020 Sunnyvale Active Transportation Plan
Chapter 2, Existing Conditions, places the ATP in the wider context of Sunnyvale’s transportation and land use planning efforts as it relates to active transportation.
Chapter 3, Outreach, outlines how the project team consulted with Sunnyvale residents and community members to guide the vision and recommendations in the ATP.
Chapter 4, Bicycle Plan, describes bicycling needs in the city, defines the ATP’s bicycling goals, and outlines the citywide bicycle infrastructure and programmatic recommendations.
Chapter 5, Pedestrian Plan, describes pedestrian needs in the city, defines the ATP’s pedestrian goals, and outlines the citywide pedestrian infrastructure and programmatic recommendations.
Chapter 6, Safe Routes to School Plan, identifies barriers to accessing schools by walking or bicycling and outlines recommendations at the 21 public schools serving Sunnyvale students.
Below are highlights from the ATP:
The purpose of the 2020 Sunnyvale Active Transportation Plan is to create a safe, connected, and efficient citywide active transportation network. The ATP lays out policies, infrastructure projects, and supporting programs, as well as identifies funding
sources and implementation priorities.
The information contained within the ATP has been coordinated with the various Area and Specific Plans currently underway in the City so that all documents will be unified as related to recommended transportation improvements.
Existing Conditions
As of 2017, Sunnyvale’s commute travel modes for bicycling and walking were 1.5% and 1.9%, respectively.
Currently, the City’s bicycle network is comprised of 89.9 miles of varying types of bicycle facilities. These types of facilities are identified officially by a class system designated by the California Department of Transportation; Attachment 3 provides example images of each class within the city. Information about existing bikeway network by facility type is shown in Table 1:
Table 1: Existing Bikeway Network
Facility Type |
Description |
Mileage (miles) |
Class I Shared Use Path |
Paths completely separated from motor vehicle traffic used by people walking and biking |
18.0 |
Class II Bicycle Lane |
A dedicated lane for bicycle travel adjacent to traffic |
54.5 |
Class IIB Buffered Bicycle Lane |
A dedicated lane for bicycle travel separated from vehicle by a painted buffer |
4.4 |
Class III Bicycle Route |
A signed bike route that people biking share with motor vehicles. |
12.6 |
Class III Bicycle Boulevard |
Shared roadway space for bicycles and motor vehicles that are enhanced with traffic calming features or other treatments to prioritize bicyclists’ comfort. |
0 |
Class IV Separated Bikeway |
An on-street bikeway separated from motor vehicle traffic by a curb, median, planters, parking delineators, or other physical barrier. |
0.4 |
Existing Complete Network |
89.9 |
Collision analysis involving bicyclists and pedestrians was performed between 1/1/2014 and 12/31/2018, indicating a total of 61 pedestrian and bicyclist related fatalities or serious injuries.
Bicycle Plan
Through the extensive outreach engagement efforts during the plan development process, bikeway needs in Sunnyvale were identified, supporting a four-pronged strategy for building a comprehensive low-stress bicycle network. The four strategies include:
1. Make it Comfortable and Connected
2. Make it Local
3. Fill in the Network
4. Focus on the Intersections
To address each of these strategies, the recommendations include:
• Low Stress Spine Network - a network of bikeway facilities that provided connected, cross-town travel.
• Bike Route Network - a network of low-stress connections on low volume, low speed residential streets to get residents across neighborhoods and to local destinations. These connections will consist of Class III Bicycle Routes and Class IIIB Bicycle Boulevards with wayfinding signage along residential roads. Bicycle Boulevards may include additional traffic calming design. Design features, such as curb extensions, can incorporate green stormwater infrastructure, which uses vegetation for improved stormwater management while also providing urban greening.
• Complete Bikeway Network - include all bikeway types.
• Spot Improvements - crossing improvements along the bike network that aim to provide increased comfort at existing intersections and increased access to bicycle undercrossings and overcrossings.
Vision Statement for the Bicycle Plan
Sunnyvale is a Complete Streets Community where residents and commuters have the
choice to bicycle and walk to meet their transportation needs on a connected, comfortable, convenient, safe and efficient network designed for all abilities and ages.
To achieve this vision statement, the ATP includes a series of goals, policies and actions, as well as a Performance Goal as shown in Table 2 of the Bicycle Plan portion.
Table 2: Bicycle Plan Performance Goal
Goal |
Baseline |
Source |
Achieve the League of American Bicyclists Bicycle Friendly Silver status by 2030 |
Bronze status |
League of American Bicyclists |
Increase commuter bicycling mode share from 1.5% in 2017 to 5% in 2030 and continue to work toward increasing bicycling mode share in the next 10 years |
1.5% |
American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau |
Reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 50% by 2029 |
61 pedestrian and bicyclist related fatalities and serious injuries (2014-2018) |
Sunnyvale Vision Zero Plan (2019) |
Bikeway Recommendations
Since the adoption of the 2006 Bicycle Plan, Class IIB Bicycle Lane with Buffer and Class IV Bikeway Separated Bikeway have gained popularity as they provide separation from vehicular traffic. Where feasible, the bikeway recommendations include these low-stress improvements to provide a comfortable, safe and efficient bicycle network. Table 3 shows the existing, proposed and full build out bikeway mileage totals for the Complete Bikeway Network.
The challenge with implementing separated bikeways and protected intersections is that while they improve comfort and safety for users, these new facilities do impact street sweeping and storm drain maintenance operations. Separated bikeways are separated from vehicular traffic by either using permanently surface mounted vertical delineators, concrete or landscaped islands or vehicular parking. These separations prevent the use of standard size street sweepers that the City currently uses to clean debris from the gutter area and they also limit access to storm drain catch basins. While smaller street sweepers are commercially available, they have limited debris storage capacity and shorter operating distances which will require increased staffing in operations groups to clean the same linear distances of roadway. It is anticipated that prior to implementing any separated bikeways or protected intersections, the City will need to allocate additional equipment and staffing in Public Works to account for the impacts to street maintenance operations.
Table 3: Existing and Proposed Bikeway Mileage Totals
Facility Type |
Existing |
Proposed |
Full Build Out |
Class I |
18 |
19.7 |
37.7 |
Class II |
54.5 |
7.1 |
43.4 |
Class IIB |
4.4 |
9.9 |
12.5 |
Class III |
12.6 |
12.7 |
21.6 |
Class IIIB |
0.0 |
22.2 |
22.2 |
Class IV |
0.4 |
17.3 |
17.7 |
Total |
89.9 |
88.9 |
155.1 |
Note that proposed bikeways also include the conversion of existing bikeways to a different classification in addition to installing new bikeways, therefore, the Full Build Out Column does not always equate to Existing plus Proposed mileage.
The ATP also includes 76 spot improvement recommendations to develop alongside the bicycle network. The recommendations include strategies such as: crossing improvements, traffic control improvements and grade-separation improvements. Furthermore, the Bicycle Plan provides recommendations on bicycle parking, wayfinding, as well as programmatic recommendations.
Bikeway Implementation, Prioritization and Cost
Recommended projects were evaluated using five criteria that support the vision and
goals of the Bicycle Plan, with Collision Reduction criteria having a heavier emphasis. The five criterions include:
1. Collision Reduction
2. Equity
3. Access to Key Destinations
4. Community-Identified Need
5. Cross-Town Connection
Equity is determined by whether the project is located within a disadvantaged community, as defined by the MTC’s Community of Concern location maps.
Projects that score between 4 and 6 are categorized as high priority. Projects receiving a score of 3 are categorized as medium priority. Projects receiving a score of 2 or less are categorized as low priority. Table 4 presents a summary of the number of projects in each prioritization category. In summary, the ATP recommends a total of 161 projects (76 bicycle spot improvements and 85 bikeway improvements). Maps 19-21 in the ATP show all proposed bicycle recommendations.
Table 4: Bicycle Project Prioritization
High Priority |
Spot |
25 projects |
Bikeways |
24 projects |
Medium Priority |
Spot |
32 projects |
Bikeways |
35 projects |
Low Priority |
Spot |
19 projects |
Bikeways |
26 projects |
High priority projects are ones that the City will focus our resources on; however, due to right-of-way constraint, cost of the project, or coordination with other agencies, it could be possible some of these high priority projects would take longer to implement than medium priority or low priority projects. This may result in projects that may be completed or funded out of the priority order.
A full list of the bicycle recommendations and prioritization is included in Appendices A and B within the ATP.
The ATP provides a range of cost estimates to implement the bikeway recommendations; the cost estimates vary depending on the types of materials, the construction methodologies (i.e., quick-built vs. permanent), the need to alter drainage system, etc. The cost estimates shown in Table 5 contain the estimates for construction costs only, in current year 2020 dollars, and does not include design or maintenance costs. Cost estimates for spot improvements will be developed in a later design phase following more detailed engineering analysis.
Table 5: Capital Construction Costs by Bikeway Type (in Year 2020 Dollars)
Bikeway Type |
Proposed Mileage |
Cost Estimate Low |
Cost Estimate High |
Class I Shared-Use Path |
19.7 |
$13,790,000 |
$29,550,00 |
Class II Bicycle Lane |
7.1 |
$937,000 |
$2,747,700 |
Class IIB Buffered Bicycle Lane |
9.9 |
$1,702,800 |
$4,158,000 |
Class III Bicycle Route |
12.7 |
$195,580 |
$326,390 |
Class IIIB Bicycle Boulevard |
22.2 |
$1,665,000 |
$22,644,00 |
Class IV Separated Bikeway |
17.3 |
$5,190,000 |
$40,014,900 |
Total |
88.9 |
$23,480,580 |
$99,440,990 |
Note: Total does not include design costs or maintenance costs.
It is important to note that the bikeway improvements and spot improvements contained in this Bicycle Plan portion of the ATP are planning level at current year 2020 construction costs only; and does not guarantee funding or guarantee all projects included in it will be constructed in accordance with the approved Plan. There is the potential that the City may not elect to move forward with some projects or the City may modify projects that are shown in the Bicycle Plan. Also, further analysis will be required prior to implementing some of the project recommendations, as they may involve removal of on-street parking or potential roadway reallocations. City Council’s adoption of the ATP will allow staff to conduct feasibility of the individual bikeways through detailed engineering studies, cost estimating, public outreach, and pursuit of potential grants. Attachment 4 provides a city map that indicates which projects may require roadway reallocations, on-street vehicle parking removal, one-way roadway conversion, or right-of-way acquisition.
Bicycle design guidelines were developed and included in Appendix F of the ATP. The guidelines have been developed to complement the ATP and other nationally recognized efforts to promote bicycle comfort level. All bikeway design guidelines meet or exceed minimum requirements set forth by nationally recognized standards.
Pedestrian Plan
There are a number of factors involved in creating a more walkable city, including the perceived comfort and safety of your walking route, and how pleasant and interesting your surroundings are. This ATP looks at existing walking conditions across the city, and community feedback gathered on barriers to walking to understand where the City should focus improving pedestrian infrastructure. The pedestrian needs were developed with four major components of walkability:
• Safety
• Publicly Identified Barriers
• Equity
• Access to Local Needs
Vision Statement for the Pedestrian Plan
Sunnyvale is a Complete Streets Community where residents and commuters have the
choice to bicycle and walk to meet their transportation needs on a connected, comfortable, convenient, safe and convenient network designed for all abilities and ages.
To achieve this vision statement, the ATP includes a series of goals, policies and actions, as well as a Performance Goal as shown in Table 6 of the Pedestrian Plan portion of the ATP.
Table 6: Pedestrian Plan Performance Goal
Goal |
Baseline |
Source |
Reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 50% by 2029 |
61 pedestrian and bicyclist related fatalities and serious injuries (2014-2018) |
Sunnyvale Vision Zero Plan (2019) |
Focus Areas and Corridors
The ATP has designated five Focus Pedestrian Areas and four Priority Pedestrian Corridors (Attachment 5) by culminating focus areas for each of the four components of walkability: safety, equity, destination accessibility, and publicly identified. The five Focus Pedestrian Areas include:
• SNAIL Neighborhood
• Braly Park
• De Anza Area
• Downtown
• Washington Park
The four Focus Pedestrian Corridors include:
• Tasman Road
• El Camino Real
• Fremont Avenue
• Hollenbeck Avenue
These areas are directly shaped by the streets and paths that provide important walking connections to the highest numbers of neighborhood destinations such as schools, libraries and community centers, parks, retail, and transit stops.
In addition to these zones and corridors are several intersection safety spot improvements that have been identified through the pedestrian safety analysis. Even though these intersections are outside of the Focus Areas and Corridors, the history of pedestrian collisions at these intersections warrant City attention.
Pedestrian Recommendations
The ATP included a variety of recommendations, including infrastructure recommendations such as building improved sidewalks to close gaps in pedestrian network, maintaining sidewalk, requiring minimum sidewalk width, and ensuring street trees are maintained.
Existing sidewalk gaps can be addressed in different ways, depending on the ownership of the sidewalk:
• Within the City’s Right-of-way: For areas that are within the City’s right-of-way, sidewalks can be installed in a couple of ways.
o As new development occurs, the City can require developers to build and upgrade sidewalks as part of the development agreement.
o If no development is planned for that area, the City can apply for funding sources to build sidewalks.
• On properties previously annexed from the County: In order to install sidewalks in these areas or on private roads, residents would need to form an assessment district to pay for sidewalk and related utilities to be built.
• On private roads with Sunnyvale: On private roads, property owner(s) of these roads would be responsible for the installation of sidewalks and related utilities. However, the City will not take over maintenance of sidewalk on private roads.
Other pedestrian improvements include improving pedestrian crossing, installing curb extension to shorten crossing distance, reducing curb radius to slow vehicle turning speed, evaluating lighting and illumination requirements, and installing new intersection control, etc. The City will also evaluate opportunities to integrate green streets and green stormwater infrastructure within the pedestrian recommendations. Green streets can provide shade and enhanced air quality improvements through an increased tree canopy, and overall improve the beauty of a neighborhood with more planting. Integrating green streets and green stormwater components into pedestrian facilities can improve pedestrian safety and create more appealing walking routes.
Pedestrian Improvements Implementation, Prioritization and Costs
Recommended projects were evaluated using five criteria that support the vision and
goals of the ATP, with Collision Reduction criteria having a heavier emphasis. The five criteria include:
• Collision Reduction
• Equity
• Access to Key Destinations
• Community-Identified Need
• Part of Safe Routes to School Network
Equity is determined by whether the project is located within a disadvantaged community, as defined by the MTC’s Community of Concern. Safe Routes to School improvements were identified through School Walk Audits as part of the Safe Routes to School Plan portion of the ATP.
Projects that score between 4 and 6 are categorized as high priority. Projects receiving a score of 3 are categorized as medium priority. Projects receiving a score of 2 or less are categorized as low priority. Table 21 presents a summary of the number of projects in each prioritization category. High priority projects are ones that the City will focus resources on, however, due to right-of-way constraints, cost of the project, or coordination with other agencies, it could be possible some of these high priority projects would take longer to implement than medium priority or low priority projects.
This may result in projects that may be completed or funded out of the priority order. In summary, the ATP recommends a total of 184 intersection spot improvement projects, and they are summarized in Appendix D in the ATP.
Safe Routes to School Plan
The ATP incorporated the perspectives of key stakeholders through a multi-prong needs analysis approach:
• School Walk Audits at 21 public schools serving Sunnyvale students: Observations of each school’s arrival or dismissal procedures with representatives from the school, including both staff and parents, school district, City, and consultant team to identify areas of concern for people walking and bicycling to school.
• Public Workshop: Recommendations produced through the walk audit process were presented to the public at an in-person meeting to gather feedback and comments.
• Detailed Review: Recommendations produced through the walk audit process were presented to school staff, school district staff, and City staff to gather feedback and comments.
Vision Statement for the Safe Routes to School Plan
Sunnyvale is a Complete Streets Community where residents and commuters have the
choice to bicycle and walk to meet their transportation needs on a connected, comfortable, convenient, safe and convenient network designed for all abilities and ages.
Safe Routes to School Recommendations
To achieve this vision statement, the ATP includes a series of goals, policies and actions, as well as recommendations. These recommendations include:
• Engineering recommendations
o Recommended infrastructure improvements for each of the 21 public schools are shown on pages 154-237 of the ATP.
o Evaluate opportunity to incorporate green stormwater infrastructure improvements within safe routes to school projects to enhance safety and shading.
• Programmatic Recommendations, including coordination, equity, education, encouragement, enforcement, and evaluation.
SRTS Implementation, Prioritization and Costs
The projects listed in the SRTS portion of the ATP have been include in the Pedestrian Plan prioritization process. This process assigned a number value to all recommendations. Projects near schools received additional consideration towards prioritization.
In addition, SRTS projects can also be prioritized by:
• Cost - many of the proposed engineering improvements around schools in Sunnyvale can be implemented in conjunction with existing Department of Public Works paving, signage, and striping operations. These improvements include:
o Crosswalk markings
o Curb paint
o Signage
o Striping
o Landscape maintenance
• Equity - prioritize projects at the two schools located in the MTC Communities of Concern: Braly Elementary and Columbia Middle. The prioritization of improvements at these schools serves students and families living in disadvantaged communities.
• Safety - prioritize projects at the two schools (Fremont High School and Peterson Middle School) with a history of fatal collisions.
Table 7: Safe Routes to School Construction Costs for Prioritized Projects (in Year 2020 Dollars)
Cost Prioritization |
Improvement |
Quantity |
Unit |
Low |
High |
Crosswalk |
73 |
EA |
$101,800 |
$168,000 |
Curb Paint |
23 |
EA |
$3,500 |
$12,000 |
Signage |
27 |
EA |
$10,200 |
$13,500 |
Striping |
48 |
EA |
$9,300 |
$23,100 |
Landscaping |
5 |
EA |
unknown |
unknown |
Total |
$124,800 |
$216,600 |
Equity Prioritization |
Improvement |
Quantity |
Unit |
Low |
High |
Curb extension |
20 |
EA |
$1,300,000 |
$7,800,000 |
Speed feedback sign |
2 |
EA |
$28,000 |
$50,000 |
Curb ramp |
3 |
EA |
$13,700 |
$39,000 |
Relocate ramp |
1 |
EA |
$65,000 |
$390,000 |
Total |
$1,406,700 |
$8,279,000 |
Safety Prioritization |
Improvement |
Quantity |
Unit |
Low |
High |
Curb extension |
8 |
EA |
$520,000 |
$3,120,000 |
1 |
EA |
$500,000 |
$800,000 |
Signal changes |
1 |
EA |
$2,500 |
$1,000,000 |
Curb ramp |
3 |
EA |
$13,700 |
$39,000 |
Protected intersection |
1 |
EA |
$520,000 |
$3,000,000 |
Total |
$1,556,200 |
$7,959,000 |
Note: These cost estimates are for construction costs only, and do not include design costs and maintenance costs.
Planning-level unit cost estimates in current year 2020 dollars were also developed for infrastructure improvements recommended in the SRTS improvement of the ATP. The estimates are based on the construction costs for comparable projects in nearby jurisdictions. Additionally, estimated program costs were developed through consultation with program service providers. Program costs assume hiring a contractor to implement the activities and do not reflect City or school staff time. For any of the roadway design recommendations, the City will evaluate opportunities to include green stormwater infrastructure as part of the overall implementation. A list of cost estimates is shown in Table 25 of Chapter 6 in the SRTS portion of the ATP.
Funding Recommendations
The ATP identifies several funding strategies to support completion of the proposed bicycle, pedestrian, and Safe Routes to School infrastructure projects, programs and studies. While the ATP identifies strategies involving receiving grants from other local, state, or federal agencies, the City can also require private development to contribute as a mean to support build out of the ATP as parcels get redeveloped.
There is no immediate fiscal impact resulting from adoption of the ATP. However, by adopting the ATP, the City will increase its eligibility for grant funds to implement bicycle, pedestrian and safe routes to school improvement projects within the city. It is important to note that there will be a future cost associated with implementing each of the proposed improvements contained within the ATP.
Public contact was made through posting of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission agenda on the City’s official-notice bulletin board, on the City’s website, and the availability of the agenda and report in the Office of the City Clerk.
1. Recommend to City Council to Adopt the Active Transportation Plan
2. Recommend to City Council to Adopt the Active Transportation Plan with Modifications
Alternative 1: Recommend to City Council to Adopt the Active Transportation Plan
This comprehensive ATP has been developed through engagement with Sunnyvale community members and stakeholders, along with a technical analysis of walking and biking needs across the city. Land Use generators along with the existing roadway system was analyzed to create a proposed bicycle and pedestrian network that connects bicyclists and pedestrians to key destinations while recognizing the proposed growth with the City’s General Plan. A project prioritization criterion was developed to identify projects with a goal of creating a connected, comfortable, safe and convenient network designed for all abilities and ages. The ATP also recognizes recent changes in bicycle facility design and provides guidance on implementation. Furthermore, the ATP focuses on providing a safer network for students biking and walking to school. In addition, the ATP includes many of the infrastructures that were recommended in the Vision Zero Plan to make walking and bicycling safer for all users. Finally, the ATP provides funding strategies that, if successful, will help the City work towards achieving the objectives identified.
Prepared by: Lillian Tsang, Principal Transportation Engineer
Reviewed by: Chip Taylor, Director, Department of Public Works
Reviewed by: Teri Silva, Assistant City Manager
Approved by: Kent Steffens, City Manager
1. Reserved for Report to Council
2. Final Draft Active Transportation Plan
3. Bicycle Facility Classifications
4. Future Design Considerations - Roadway Needs for Bicycle Recommendations
5. Pedestrian Recommendations