File #: 2015-7756
Location: 803 W El Camino Real (APN: 165-01-029, 042, and 043)
Zoning: C-2 / ECR (Highway Business / El Camino Real Precise Plan)
Proposed Project: Appeal by a member of the public of a decision by the Planning Commission to conditionally allow:
SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT for a mixed use development on a 2.97 acre site with 49 residential units (40 apartments + 8 attached single family homes + 1 detached single family home), approximately 5,662 square feet of commercial space, and expansion of the adjacent Grand Hotel (51 rooms)
VESTING TENTATIVE MAP to subdivide the 3 existing lots into 11 separate lots. A condominium map is requested for lot #11.
Applicant / Owner: De Anza Properties (applicant) / Pastoria El Camino Partnership (owner)
Environmental Review: Mitigated Negative Declaration
Project Planner: Ryan Kuchenig, (408) 730-7431,
This Special Development Permit and Vesting Tentative Map were considered by the Planning Commission on April 25, 2016. The Report to the Planning Commission (PC) can be found in Attachment 9. Minutes of the Planning Commission hearing are Attachment 10. The project was approved unanimously 7-0 with the following modifications to the Conditions of Approval:
1. Require EV charging stations, per the calculation by staff (Added as COA BP-45);
2. Consider art as part of the building design (Modified COA BP-11 );
3. Evaluate preserving the two Elm trees on El Camino Real (Added as COA BP-16g);
4. Evaluate moving the bus stop farther west on El Camino Real (Modified COA EP-5);
5. Have staff look at potential traffic calming measures on Olive Avenue (Added as COA GC-17); and
6. Consider a pedestrian pathway through the site that connects W. Olive Avenue to W. El Camino Real (Added as COA BP-14j).
The conditions of approval have been revised to reflect the Planning Commission action...
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