Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 20-0104   
Type: Report to Council Status: Passed
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 2/4/2020
Title: Issuance of Request for Proposal for Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Services to Bay County Waste Services
Attachments: 1. Communications Guidelines, 2. 2018 BCWS Performance Review, 3. Draft RFP, 4. Draft Agreement, 5. (See Corrected Attachment 5, posted 20200205) Draft Cost Forms, 6. Presentation to Council 20200204, 7. Corrected Attachment 5 (posted 20200205)

Issuance of Request for Proposal for Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Services to Bay County Waste Services

Solid waste and recycling collection services are provided to residents and businesses by a Franchisee, currently Bay Counties Waste Services (BCWS, dba Specialty, Inc), through the grant of an exclusive franchise by the City Council. The terms of the current BCWS solid waste collection franchise and agreement will expire on June 30, 2021. Council previously directed staff to develop a "single-source" request for proposal (RFP) package for solid waste and recycling collection services for release to BCWS. Staff requests Council review of the draft RFP package (attached) and recommends Council approval to release the package to BCWS.

The RFP package includes Council-approved communication guidelines governing the single-source RFP process, the BCWS Performance Review presented to Council in December 2018, an RFP specifying the City's service requests, a new draft agreement for provision of service, and a set of cost forms to be completed for submittal with BCWS' proposal. The RTC discusses the content of the RFP package, including changes to services to necessary to comply with key pending regulatory requirements.

Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Contracting
Solid waste and recycling collection services are provided to residents and businesses by a Franchisee, currently Bay Counties Waste Services (BCWS), through the grant of an exclusive franchise by the City Council, as allowed by Article XVI of the Sunnyvale City Charter and Sunnyvale Municipal Code Chapter 8.16. BCWS, dba Specialty, Inc. was awarded the collection franchise in 1990. A franchise for solid waste and recycling services cannot exceed thirty years pursuant to Sunnyvale City Charter Section 1604. The term of the current solid waste collection franchise with BCWS began on July 1, 1991 and will expire on June 30,...

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