Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 19-0208   
Type: Report to Council Status: Passed
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 4/23/2019
Title: CONTINUED FROM JANUARY 29, 2019. Proposed Project: Appeal by the Applicant of a decision by the Planning Commission to deny: PEERY PARK SPECIFIC PLAN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: to consider a high school for 400 students (Summit School). The project includes interior and exterior improvements of an existing industrial building for an educational use, the installation of a tri-level mechanical lift parking structure in the rear serving 22 parking spaces, and a request for adjustment to the minimum parking requirements. Location: 824 San Aleso Avenue (APN: 204-02-006) File #: 2017-7986 Zoning: PPSP-NT - Peery Park Specific Plan - Neighborhood Transition Applicant / Owner: Artik Art & Architecture (applicant) / 824 San Aleso, LLC (owner) Environmental Review: The project is exempt from additional California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review per CEQA Guidelines section 15168(c)(2) and (4) and Public Resources Code Section 21094(c). The project is within the scope of the Peery Park Spec...
Attachments: 1. Vicinity and Noticing Map, 2. Project Data Table, 3. Findings for Denial, 4. Recommended Conditions of Approval - Revised, 5. CEQA Checklist for PPSP EIR Compliance, 6. PPSP EIR - MMRP, 7. Transportation Impact Analysis by Hexagon, 8. Link to the Peery Park Specific Plan, 9. Site and Architectural Plans, 10. Project Description Letter, 11. Summit School Parking Study by Kimley Horn, 12. Simulation of Parking Structure, 13. Letters from Summit School Students and Families, 14. Parking Ratio Comparison by City, 15. Planning Commission Report of 12-10-18, 16. Excerpt PC Minutes of 12-10-18, 17. Letter from Applicant to the Planning Commission, 18. Additional Letters Recevied Before PC Meeting, 19. Appeal Letter, 20. Findings for Approval (Revised for City Council), 21. Additional Ltrs. Rec. After PC Mtg (Revised for CC), 22. City Council Report of 1-29-19, 23. City Council Meeting Minutes 1-29-19
Related files: 18-0751, 18-0887

Proposed Project: Appeal by the Applicant of a decision by the Planning Commission to deny:
PEERY PARK SPECIFIC PLAN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: to consider a high school for 400 students (Summit School). The project includes interior and exterior improvements of an existing industrial building for an educational use, the installation of a tri-level mechanical lift parking structure in the rear serving 22 parking spaces, and a request for adjustment to the minimum parking requirements.
Location: 824 San Aleso Avenue (APN: 204-02-006)
File #: 2017-7986
Zoning: PPSP-NT - Peery Park Specific Plan - Neighborhood Transition
Applicant / Owner: Artik Art & Architecture (applicant) / 824 San Aleso, LLC (owner)
Environmental Review: The project is exempt from additional California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review per CEQA Guidelines section 15168(c)(2) and (4) and Public Resources Code Section 21094(c). The project is within the scope of the Peery Park Specific Plan Program EIR as no new environmental impacts are anticipated and no new mitigation measures are required.
Project Planner: Momoko Ishijima, (408) 730-7532, mishijima@sunnyvale.ca.gov

The Appeal by the applicant of Planning Commission's decision to deny the Peery Park Specific Plan (PPSP) Conditional Use Permit was considered by the City Council on January 29, 2019 (see Attachment 22 of this report). Minutes of the City Council public hearing can be found in Attachment 23. The City Council voted to continue the project to the City Council public hearing date of April 23, 2019 on a 6-1 vote, with the following directives to staff and the applicant:
1. Identify appropriate thresholds and a program for imposing penalties for inappropriate parking behavior;
2. Explore offsite parking; and,
3. Include a provision that the Peery Park Specific Plan Conditional Use Permit would expire after five years, unless r...

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