Proposed Project: Related actions on the LAKESIDE SPECIFIC PLAN and EIR for an 8.83-acre site:
SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT: to revise the land use configuration, increase the height allowance, and make other miscellaneous updates.
SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: for development of an existing vacant site with two new buildings and associated site improvements - a six-story, 263-room hotel with an attached 3,000 sq. ft. restaurant and an attached three-level above grade parking structure; and a five-story, 250-unit apartment building over a two-level, above-grade podium parking garage
TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP: to subdivide the site into two - with a lot for each land use.
CEQA: Adopt a Resolution to Certify the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
File #: 2015-7576
Location: 1250 Lakeside Drive (APNs: 216-43-035 and -036)
Zoning: LSP
Applicant / Owner: Sunnyvale Partners, Ltd (applicant) / Aircoa Equity Interests, Inc. (owner)
Environmental Review: Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
Project Planner: George Schroeder, (408) 730-7443,
The proposed project was considered by the Planning Commission on November 14, 2016. The following key comments were discussed at the Planning Commission hearing:
* General support for the project, particularly the architecture, indoor-outdoor features, restaurant, reciprocal access between the land uses, shuttle service, and public park area.
* The Planning Commission voiced concern that the project is not providing housing mitigation fees. The prior approved condominium project was required to provide 31 affordable housing units. Staff noted that the project is not required to pay housing mitigation fees because the application was deemed complete prior to the effective date of the fees on September 14, 2015.
* The site's existing l...
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