File #: 2015-7772
Location: 460 Persian Drive (APN: 110-29-028)
Zoning: R-4/PD (High Density Residential/Planned Development)
Proposed Project:
SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: to demolish a 24,014 sq. ft. one-story commercial building and construct a four-story, 66-unit affordable rental apartment building (65 low-income units and one on-site manager's residence), including a ground-level podium parking garage and associated site improvements.
Applicant / Owner: MidPen Housing Corporation (applicant) / MP Edwina Benner Associates, L.P. (owner)
Environmental Review: Mitigated Negative Declaration
Project Planner: George Schroeder, (408) 730-7443,
General Plan: Industrial to Residential Medium-High Density
Existing Site Conditions: One-story commercial building
Surrounding Land Uses
North: Persian Drive and California State Route 237 (SR-237)
South: Community-serving place of assembly
East: Residential condominiums
West: Community-serving place of assembly
Issues: Parking, architecture, building setbacks, lot coverage, landscaping/open space
Staff Recommendation: Approve with conditions
Description of Proposed Project
The project includes the complete demolition of an existing 24,014 square foot commercial building and existing site improvements and construction of a four-story, 66-unit, affordable rental apartment building with a ground-level podium parking garage and associated site and off-site improvements. The project would be managed by MidPen Housing Corporation, and one of the units would be reserved for the onsite property manager. The project would accommodate a range of income levels, including seven extremely low-income units (less than 30% of the area median income or AMI); 39 low-income units (between 30 and 50% of the AMI); and 19 moderate-income units (between 51 and 60% of the AMI). 33 of the total units are p...
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