Approve the City of Sunnyvale Parking Structure Design Guidelines and Find that the Project is Exempt Under CEQA Pursuant to Guidelines 15060(3) and 15378(b)(5) (Study Issue CDD 15-01)
The City has experienced a recent influx of higher density residential and higher intensity office projects. These types of developments typically include underground or structured parking areas. Although the pending Toolkit for Mixed-use Development includes design guidance on parking structures in mixed-use development, there is no adopted design guidance specific to parking structures in the current zoning code or City-wide Design Guidelines. In an effort to better guide the public, developers and decision-makers when considering projects that include structured parking, a study issue was selected for the development of specific design guidelines for parking structures (Attachment 1).
General Plan:
From Land Use and Transportation (LT):
GOAL LT-2 Attractive Community - Preserve and enhance an attractive community, with a positive image and a sense of place that consists of distinctive neighborhoods, pockets of interest and human-scale development.
Policy LT-2.1 Recognize that the City is composed of residential, industrial and commercial neighborhoods, each with its own individual character; and allow change consistent with reinforcing positive neighborhood values.
Policy LT-4.2 Require new development to be compatible with the neighborhood, adjacent land uses and the transportation system.
From Community Character (CC):
Policy CC-1.3 Ensure that new development is compatible with the character of special districts and residential neighborhoods.
GOAL CC-3 Well-Designed Sites and Buildings - Ensure that buildings and related site improvements for private development are well designed and compatible with surrounding properties and districts.
Policy CC-3.1 Place a priority on qua...
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