Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 16-0907   
Type: Report to Council Status: Passed
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 9/20/2016
Title: Adopt the PEERY PARK SPECIFIC PLAN (2013-7653) and related actions: -Adopt a resolution to certify the EIR with errata #1 and #2, make the CEQA findings, adopt the statement of overriding considerations, mitigation monitoring and reporting program, water supply assessment and other related items; -Adopt a resolution to adopt the Peery Park Specific Plan and make related amendments to the General Plan; -Introduce an ordinance to create the Peery Park Specific Plan district and rezone the parcels in the Plan Area; -Adopt a resolution to establish fees for Peery Park; -Adopt a motion to prioritize the flexible community benefits; -Appropriate $100,000 of City Funds to provide a portion of the local match for the Peery Park Rides Grant Program; and -Direct staff to undertake the appropriate environmental analysis and community outreach and return to Planning Commission and City Council to consider whether the Peery Park Specific Plan should be amended to include additional housing opportun...
Attachments: 1. Financial Analysis Study conducted by EPS, 2. Planning Commission Reports of 9/12/16 and 8/22/16, 3. Information on the PPSP Fee, Sense of Place Fee and Wastewater Infrastructure Fee, 4. Study Issue Paper, 5. Resolution to Certify the EIR and related actions, and Adopt the Peery Park Specific Plan with related actions, 6. Ordinance to Amend Title 19 (Zoning) and amend the Precise Zoning Plan Map, 7. Resolution to Amend the Fee Schedule and to add Peery Park related fees, 8. Links to the PPSP and Appendices, 9. Recommended Modifications to the Peery Park Specific Plan Document, 10. Links to Draft and Final EIR and Appendices.pdf, 11. Full Text of Council Policy 1.1.9, 12. Meeting Notes and Summaries of the Group Exercises from the four Community Workshops, 13. Summary of the Online Survey Results, 14. Summary of the Comments Received at the EIR Scoping Meeting on June 25, 2015, 15. Comments Received During the Notice of Preparation Period, 16. Link to the Peery Park Specific Plan Webpage, 17. Peery Park Specific Plan District Map, 18. Link to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for Moffett Federal Airfield, 19. Summary of Comments Received on the PPSP during the Public Review Period, 20. Hertitage Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes from June 1, 2016, 21. Sustainability Commission Minutes from May 16, 2016, 22. Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission Minutes from May 19, 2016, 23. Planning Commission Minutes from May 23, 2016, 24. Recommended Modifications to the PPSP for the August 24, 2016 ALUC Meeting, 25. City of Sunnyvale Water Supply Assessment, 26. Public Comment, 27. Excerpt of the August 22, 2016 Planning Commission Minutes, 28. Errata #1 and #2 to the Final EIR for the PPSP, 29. PPSP Map with CLUP Safety and Noise Overlay Zones, 30. PPSP Development Project Map with Potential Housing Opportunity Sites, 31. Excerpt of the Draft September 12, 2016 Planning Commission Minutes, 32. Staff Presentation 20160920 (16-0907)
Related files: 16-0868, 16-0621

Adopt the PEERY PARK SPECIFIC PLAN (2013-7653) and related actions:
-Adopt a resolution to certify the EIR with errata #1 and #2, make the CEQA findings, adopt the statement of overriding considerations, mitigation monitoring and reporting program, water supply assessment and other related items;
-Adopt a resolution to adopt the Peery Park Specific Plan and make related amendments to the General Plan;
-Introduce an ordinance to create the Peery Park Specific Plan district and rezone the parcels in the Plan Area;
-Adopt a resolution to establish fees for Peery Park;
-Adopt a motion to prioritize the flexible community benefits;
-Appropriate $100,000 of City Funds to provide a portion of the local match for the Peery Park Rides Grant Program; and
-Direct staff to undertake the appropriate environmental analysis and community outreach and return to Planning Commission and City Council to consider whether the Peery Park Specific Plan should be amended to include additional housing opportunities on two sites.

This item was continued from the August 22, 2016 Planning Commission hearing after the Commission made a motion to certify the Peery Park Specific Plan (PPSP) Environmental Impact Report (EIR) with errata #1, adopt the statement of overriding considerations, mitigation monitoring and reporting program, water supply assessment and related environmental items and returned to the Planning Commission at their September 12, 2016 hearing. Staff answered questions from the Commissioners and provided clarification for items that had been raised at the August 22, 2016 hearing. Six members of the public spoke during the public comment period and the draft minutes from the meeting can be found in Attachment 31.

The Planning Commission recommended adoption of the PPSP based on staff's recommendation with two modifications: inclusion of streetscape improvements on the east si...

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