Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 16-0358   
Type: Report to Council Status: Passed
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 4/19/2016
Title: File #: 2015-7275 Location: 1111 Lockheed Martin Way (APNs: 110-01-036 and 110-01-038) Proposed Project: Discussion and possible actions on related applications for a 47.4 acre parcel at 1111 Lockheed Martin Way: SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT for two parcels from Moffett Park General Industrial (MP-I) to Moffett Park Transit Oriented Development (MP-TOD) and associated text changes; REZONING Introduction of an Ordinance to Rezone two parcels from MP-I (Moffett Park Industrial) to MP-TOD (Moffett Park Transit Oriented Development). ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Subsequent Environmental Impact Report. Applicant / Owner: Jay Paul Company/ Lockheed Martin Corporation
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map (updated 4/15/2016), 2. Recommended Findings, 3. Draft General Plan Resolution, 4. Draft Ordinance - Rezoning, 5. Final Subsequent EIR, 6. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, 7. SEIR Certification Resolution, 8. Existing Policy, 9. Excerpt of Planning Commission Minutes, April 11, 2016, 10. Presentation to Council 20160419 (16-0358)

File #: 2015-7275
Location: 1111 Lockheed Martin Way (APNs: 110-01-036 and 110-01-038)
Proposed Project: Discussion and possible actions on related applications for a 47.4 acre parcel at 1111 Lockheed Martin Way:
SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT for two parcels from Moffett Park General Industrial (MP-I) to Moffett Park Transit Oriented Development (MP-TOD) and associated text changes;
REZONING Introduction of an Ordinance to Rezone two parcels from MP-I (Moffett Park Industrial) to MP-TOD (Moffett Park Transit Oriented Development).
ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Subsequent Environmental Impact Report.
Applicant / Owner: Jay Paul Company/ Lockheed Martin Corporation

Staff Contact: Margaret Netto, 408-730-7628, mnetto@sunnyvale.ca.gov

Current General Plan: Moffett Park General Industrial (MP-I)
Proposed General Plan: Moffett Park Transit Oriented Development (MP-TOD)
Existing Zoning: Moffett Park Industrial (MP-I)
Proposed Zoning: Moffett Park Transit Oriented Development (MP-TOD)
Existing Site Conditions: 924,500 square feet of office for Lockheed Martin
Surrounding Land Uses
North: Office (Lockheed Martin)
South: Office (Google)
East: Office (Juniper Networks)
West: Office (Moffett Towers- various tenants)

Issues: Land Use Compatibility and Traffic

Staff Recommendation: Certify the Subsequent Environmental Impact Report, Make the Findings Required by CEQA and Adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation Monitoring Program, Amend the Moffett Park Specific Plan to change the land use designation at 1111 Lockheed Martin Way, Lots 2 and 4 from Moffett Park General Industrial (MP-I) to Moffett Park Transit Oriented Development, Introduce an Ordinance to Rezone the site to Moffett Park Transit Oriented Development.

A program level Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared for the Moffett Park Specific Plan (MPSP) in 2003. The purpose of the...

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