Approval of Council Policy 1.2.7 Acquisition, Leasing and Disposition of City-Owned Real Property - Council Policy Issue
On June 25, 2013, a study session was held to provide City Council an overview on City-owned properties not currently used for City services or planned to be used for future City needs. Attachment 1 is the presentation of the City-owned properties and their intended use for City services/needs that was provided at the study session.
At the meeting, Councilmembers provided input on the disposition of properties not used or planned to be used for future City services, while retaining properties acquired for future City service needs. Additionally, Council asked staff to draft a policy that would provide guidance on the disposition of City-owned properties for Council consideration and adoption. This report presents the proposed Acquisition, Leasing and Disposition of City-Owned Real Property policy for Council consideration (Attachment 2).
Council Policy 7.1D Land Policies. Acquisition, Disposition and Leasing of City-Owned Real Properties
Council Policy 2.2.2 Sale of Surplus Land
This action is not a project for purposes of CEQA because it will not result in a direct physical change in the environment (CEQA Guideline 15378(b)(5)).
The vast majority of City-owned property is used to provide municipal services such as fire stations, parks, roadways and utility system infrastructure. As public service needs change, the requirements for these properties may be revised and certain parcels may be determined to be no longer needed for City services. The proposed policy provides guidelines on the acquisition of real property, leasing of City-owned real property, and disposition of City-owned real property no longer needed for its intended purpose, or which does not provide a benefit to the community and should be consid...
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