Authorize the Conceptual Design Development of Maude Avenue Bikeways and Streetscapes Project
On February 26, 2013 the City Council approved a Resolution of Support for 11 One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) applications, including the "Maude Avenue Streetscape and Bike Lanes" project. The Maude Avenue Streetscape and Bike Lanes project proposed bike lanes on Maude Avenue between Mathilda Avenue and Fair Oaks Avenue (the project corridor). The City was awarded multiple OBAG grants, and on July 29, 2014, the City Council approved a budget modification to appropriate the funds for the Maude Avenue project. The bike lane on Maude Avenue has been part of Sunnyvale's transportation plans for many years. It was included as part of two Citywide bicycle planning efforts (The Bicycle Opportunities Study and Bicycle Capital Improvement Program) and was ultimately included in the adopted 2006 Sunnyvale Bicycle Plan.
The City hired Kimley-Horn and Associates, to analyze feasible alternatives to implement bike lanes. The addition of bike lanes on Maude Avenue is complicated due to the lack of pavement width on the road. Adding bike lanes will require either removal of parking, or the removal of the existing two-way center turn lane (TWCTL). Either option will affect traffic flow or parking patterns. Attachment 1 is the presentation used as part of the community meeting and provides a full overview of the project.
The analysis considered existing conditions, volumes, parking usage, collision history, and traffic congestion. Three different alternatives were developed for consideration:
* Design Alternative 1 (Attachment 2 & 3) - Installation of bike lanes by removing all on-street parking
* Design Alternative 2 (Attachment 4 & 5) - Installation of bike lanes by removing the two-way center turn lane (TWCTL) and about 30% of the on-street parking
* Design Alternative 3 (Attachment 6 & 7) - No bike lanes
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