Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 16-0606   
Type: Report to Council Status: Passed
Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 6/28/2016
Title: File #: 2015-7400 Location: 1184 N. Mathilda Avenue (APNs: 110-25-042, 110-25-49, and 110-25-55) Zoning: Moffett Park Specific Plan Transit Oriented Development (MP-TOD) Proposed Project: Related applications on a 19.31-acre site: SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: to demolish a portion of the existing surface parking and construct a new 248,259 square foot, five story office building over three stories of parking with additional rooftop and underground parking and reconfiguration of the surface parking lots within the existing office campus. Applicant / Owner: FSP-Sunnyvale Office Park, LLC (owner) /Jeffery Jacobsen, CommonWealth Partners (applicant) Environmental Review: Mitigated Negative Declaration
Attachments: 1. Vicinity and Noticing Map, 2. Project DataTable, 3. Recommended Findings, 4. Recommended Conditions of Approval (updated for City Council), 5. Mitigated Negative Declaration, 6. Green Building and Community Benefits, 7. Project Plans, 8. TIA prepared by Hatch Mott McDonald, 9. Report to Planning Commission, 6/13/16 (without attachments), 10. Planning Commission Minutes of 6/13/16, 11. Staff Presentation 20160628 (16-0606)

File #: 2015-7400
Location: 1184 N. Mathilda Avenue (APNs: 110-25-042, 110-25-49, and 110-25-55)
Zoning: Moffett Park Specific Plan Transit Oriented Development (MP-TOD)
Proposed Project: Related applications on a 19.31-acre site:
SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: to demolish a portion of the existing surface parking and construct a new 248,259 square foot, five story office building over three stories of parking with additional rooftop and underground parking and reconfiguration of the surface parking lots within the existing office campus.
Applicant / Owner: FSP-Sunnyvale Office Park, LLC (owner) /Jeffery Jacobsen, CommonWealth Partners (applicant)
Environmental Review: Mitigated Negative Declaration
Project Planner: Margaret Netto, Project Planner, (408) 730-7628, mnetto@sunnyvale.ca.gov

This item was considered by the Planning Commission at their hearing of June 13, 2016. An overview of the project was provided; questions and discussion mostly related to the community benefit budget for public safety personnel, providing a green roof, retaining trees and replanting of large box trees, and methods to improve access from site to the VTA Light Rail station across Mathilda Avenue.

There is one clarification to the Report to Planning Commission (Attachment 9): on page one, the Present Site Conditions list the project being on the west side of Mathilda Avenue; it is on the east side of Mathilda.

No members of the public spoke on the item. The Planning Commission recommends approving the application with the addition to conditions to address improving access from the site to the VTA Light Rail station across Mathilda Avenue (EP-1, page 19 of Attachment 4). The Report to Planning Commission can be found in Attachment 9. Minutes of the Planning Commission hearing are Attachment 10.

1. Make the required CEQA findings set forth in Attachment 3 and adopt the M...

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