Proposed Project: Appeal by neighbors of a decision by the Planning Commission approving related applications on a 0.85-acre site:
SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: to allow construction of 18 three-story condominium units and the retention of one single-family house (156 Crescent Avenue); and,
TENTATIVE MAP: to create one lot and 19 condominium units.
Location: 148 and 156 Crescent Avenue (APNs: 211-35-008 and 211-35-009)
File #: 2021-7826
Zoning: R-3/PD - Medium Density Residential / Planned Development
Applicant / Owner: Samir Sharma (applicant) / Crescent Avenue LLC (owner)
Environmental Review: A Class 32 Categorical Exemption relieves this project from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) provisions.
Project Planner: Momo Ishijima, (408) 730-7532,
Easter Gables Subdivision was recorded with the County of Santa Clara in 1929, and the house at 156 Crescent Avenue was constructed in 1927. The house at 148 Crescent Avenue was constructed in 1953. City Council approved rezoning of the subject properties from Interim Agricultural to R-3 (Medium Density Residential) zoning on April 17, 1962 (Ordinance No. 993). The properties were included on the Sunnyvale Heritage Resource Inventory in 1979 as part of the "Crescent Avenue Streetscape".
The applicant submitted an application to redevelop the property on April 8, 2021. Resource Alteration Permit (RAP) #2021-7265 was approved by the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) on May 3, 2023, to remove 148 Crescent Avenue from the Heritage Resource Inventory and consider the impacts of the 18-unit townhouse development and minor exterior improvements for the house at 156 Crescent Avenue. The HPC approved the project on a 7-0 vote. No appeal requests were submitted for HPC's decision to remove the 148 Crescent Avenue property from the Inventory and their decision is now final.
The Special Development Permit and Tentative Map #2021-7826 wer...
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