Proposed Project:
SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT to allow two seven-story office buildings with approximately 499,800 square feet and ground floor retail space with approximately 50,900 square feet of retail, 22,105 square feet of flex space and 37,415 square feet of shared services and two levels of below grade parking, and
VESTING TENTATIVE MAP to allow modifications to lot line locations and the creation of commercial condominium spaces.
Location: 200 W. Washington Avenue (APNs: 209-35-023 & 022)
File #: 2020-7110
Zoning: DSP (Downtown Specific Plan)/Block 18
General Plan: Downtown Specific Plan
Applicant / Owner: STC Ventures LLC (applicant and owner)
Environmental Review: No additional review required as per CEQA Guidelines 15168(c)(2) and (4) - environmental impacts of the project are addressed in the Downtown Specific Plan Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (State Clearinghouse #2018052020).
Project Planner: Shaunn Mendrin, (408) 730-7431,
General Plan: Downtown Specific Plan (DSP)
Existing Site Conditions: Vacant Retail Building (former Macy’s) and On-Site Parking
Surrounding Land Uses
North: Retail and Restaurant
South: Redwood Square and Approved Mixed Use Building (Planning Application 2020-7262)
East: Surface Parking
West: Residential, Structured Parking
Issues: Consistency with the Downtown Specific Plan
Staff Recommendation: Make the required Findings required to approve the CEQA determination that the project is consistent with the Downtown Specific Plan’s Program Environmental Impact Report and no additional environmental review is required, and approve the Special Development Permit and Vesting Tentative Map based on Findings in Attachment 3 and Recommended Conditions of Approval in Attachment 4.
Description of Proposed Project
The proposed project is located on Subblock 3 which is a part of Block 18 of the DSP. Block 18 includes the area between S. Mathilda Avenue, S. Sunnyvale Avenue, W. Washington Avenue and W. McKinley Avenue, including existing office, retail and residential buildings.
Subblock 3 is currently developed with the former Macy’s building to the north, and Redwood Square and a small parking lot to the south. The proposed project includes the redevelopment of the northern part of the block with two 7-story mixed-use buildings: Building A (located on the west side of the site) and Building B (located on the east side of the site) and includes:
• Ground floor of approximately 50,900 square feet of retail space facing S. Taaffe Street, W. Washington Avenue and S. Murphy Avenue and smaller office space on the S. Frances Extension with approximately 22,000 square feet of commercial flex space (located on the second floor) and 37,413 square feet of shared service area for hallways, loading and solid waste.
• The remaining upper floors would contain approximately 499,000 square feet of office space and terraces for use by future tenants.
• Two levels of parking would be located beneath the building and would contain 759 standard parking spaces and 27 compact spaces with an additional 434 spaces located in adjacent public parking garages.
• The proposed underground parking garage would be open to the public on weeknights and weekends.
• The project also includes the extension of S. Frances Street south of W. Washington Avenue to the proposed new east-west street located between S. Taaffe Street and S. Murphy Avenue. The extension will provide a pedestrian linkage from the Caltrain station to Redwood Square and will include outdoor public space on both sides of the extension of S. Frances Street.
• Additional improvements to frontages of S. Murphy Avenue, S. Washington Avenue, and S. Taaffe Street are also proposed.
A Special Development Permit is required for review and approval by the Planning Commission for site and architectural review. A Vesting Tentative Map is required to create commercial condominiums. The project includes the following deviations:
• Roof Top Mechanical Screening over 25% of roof area;
• Parking adjustment to allow off-site parking and compact spaces; and
• Parking garage slopes.
See Attachment 1 for a map of the vicinity and mailing area for notices and Attachment 2 for the Data Table of the project.
Previous Actions on the Site
The site is located within the former Town Center site, which is located in Block 18, Subblock 3, of the Downtown Specific Plan. All of Block 18 has been subject to various Special Development Permits based on various proposals for redevelopment. The following are more recent actions on the site:
• A Development Agreement (DA) was approved in 2020 for Block 18 (Ord. No. 3164-20), which granted increased dwelling units, increased office square footage, and increased site specific building heights. Specifically, the DA allowed seven (7) stories, a height of 111 feet and additional 265,801 square feet of office floor area for all of Block 18. The City would receive a Community Benefit contribution of $10,632,040 for bonus office space, point of sale for all new development (construction/development taxes benefits to the City), publicly accessible parking in Sub-Block 3 North, and a dynamic parking system integrated with the existing public parking in Block 18.
• A Special Development Permit (2020-7262) for a new twelve story mixed use building with 479 dwelling units, approximately 30,000 square feet of commercial space and two levels of underground parking on the south half of Subblock 3 was approved by the Planning Commission on January 11, 2021.
Downtown Specific Plan Goals and Policies: The vision, key goals and policies from the Downtown Specific Plan which pertain to the proposed project have been included in the Findings in Attachment 3.
Applicable Design Guidelines: The DSP includes Design Guidelines in Chapter 6 which are broken down by General Design Guidelines, Building Type-Specific Guidelines and the Commercial Core Design Guidelines. The proposed project is consistent with the design guidelines and they are included in the Findings for Approval in Attachment 3.
A part of the review of the amendments to the DSP, the City prepared a Draft and Final Environmental Impact Report (collectively, "EIR") (State Clearinghouse #2018052020) pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The EIR provided a program-level review of the environmental impacts of the DSP amendments as well as a project-level review of six specific development proposals within the DSP, including the development proposed by the applicant. Certification of the EIR included a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) with provisions to reduce the potentially significant impacts to a less than significant level, although some impacts would remain significant and unavoidable after mitigation. A Statement of Overriding Considerations for significant unavoidable impacts to cultural and historic resources, noise, utilities, and traffic was adopted by the City Council as part of its action on the EIR. An adopted Statement of Overriding Considerations is deemed by the certification of the EIR to be applicable to subsequent projects that are consistent with or that implement the DSP’s goals and objectives. As the lead agency, the City of Sunnyvale implements the adopted MMRP for each subsequent project that includes the approved mitigation measures of the EIR. The proposed project is within the scope of the DSP EIR and is therefore exempt from additional CEQA review, because the proposed project was specifically analyzed in the EIR and because it has no additional significant impacts that were not analyzed as part of the programmatic EIR for development in the DSP area (CEQA Guidelines Section 15168(c)(2) and (4) and Public Resources Code Section 21094(c)). The Macy’s and Redwood Square Specific Development MMRP has been incorporated into the Recommended Conditions of Approval in Attachment 4.
Present Site Conditions
The existing site is 4.00 acres in size and is developed with former Macy’s building and second floor bridge connecting Macy’s to the Orange Parking Garage (225 S. Taaffe Street), site landscaping and a surface parking lot. The perimeter of the site includes streetscape improvements on S. Taaffe Street and W. Washington Avenue and temporary improvements on S. Murphy Avenue. No other improvements or development exist on the site.
Development Standards
Development Intensities:
The DSP provides a total allocation of 817 dwelling units, 709,000 square feet of office and 642,000 square feet of commercial space for Block 18. The Development Agreement provides an additional allocation of 268 dwelling units and 265,801 square feet of bonus office space for the four projects proposed in Block 18, this includes Subblock 1, Subblock 3 North, Subblock 3 South and Subblock 6. The following table identifies the current remaining development potential of the 2020 DSP plus the approved Development Agreement, as well as the remaining potential for the other three projects in Block 18.
Lot Coverage:
The DSP does not provide a maximum lot coverage; however, it allows for review of proposed lot coverage through the Special Development Permit process. The proposed development would cover 55% of the parcel. The proposed lot coverage is less than what is expected downtown since this is a larger site and includes the extension of Frances Street, the new east-west street and perimeter sidewalks.
Architecture and Site Layout:
The architecture for the project would be a modern contemporary style with an established base at the first floor using strong defined bay elements to provide a rhythm to the first floor and the use of warmer materials in vertical expressions with multiple terraces on the upper floors. The ground floor includes defined storefronts with beveled precast concrete openings, floor to ceiling storefront glazing with a metal awning to define a transom element above. The upper floors are defined by floor to ceiling glazing in two-story elements with darker aluminum trim and mullions and terracotta trim. The upper floor glazing is vertically broken up by the terracotta trim elements that reduce in thickness in the upper levels. See project plans in Attachment 5.
The ground floor would be two-stories in volume (18-foot plate height) and primarily comprised of retail and restaurant space with some office space on the S. Frances Street extension. The ground floor would be defined through the use of beveled precast concrete with a vertical texture on the bottom half spanning 28-foot bays. An outdoor plaza is proposed on the northeast corner (S. Murphy Avenue and W. Washington Avenue) with an open latticed shade structure. The commercial space would front S. Taaffe Street, W. Washington Avenue, S. Murphy Avenue and the northern half of the S. Frances Street extension, keeping the primary frontages with active space. Staff has included a condition of approval to use warmer tones on the ground floor and to incorporate the terra cotta into the ground floor façade to better tie the ground floor to the upper floors.
At a study session for the proposed project, the Planning Commission inquired about the relationship of the proposed building to S. Murphy Avenue. Sheet A2.03 provides an illustration of how Building B has used horizontal reference points from S. Murphy Avenue, including the existing transom windows on S. Murphy Avenue that align with the proposed awnings on the new building and the finished floor of the existing second floors aligns with the underside of the new plaza cover. The Downtown Specific Plan Design Guidelines includes guidelines for new development in proximity to S. Murphy Avenue. The project complies with the alternative guideline by providing a 20 foot wide sidewalk and a 5 foot setback at the second floor level. Building B also includes the plaza at the corner of S. Murphy and W. Washington Avenues. The plaza provides a two-story volume which provides a transition from S. Murphy Avenue to the upper floors of Building B.
Site improvements include the extension of S. Frances Street from W. Washington Avenue to the proposed new east-west street and would include public space on either side of the extension. The S. Frances Street extension aligns with the gateway element in the recently approved residential mixed-use project on the south side of the site and provides sight lines to Redwood Square from W. Washington Avenue. South Frances Street has been designed with a chicane to allow for pick-up and drop-off and is intended to be one way going from W. Washington Avenue to the proposed new street. The S. Frances Street extension could be closed off in the evening and for programed events in the future. The street frontages of the project site would be updated to the current Downtown Specific Plan standards including sidewalk widths, street trees with grates, trash receptacles, benches and streetlights. Other site improvements include the excavation for a two-level underground garage located under the proposed building for the office tenants and public parking in the evenings and on weekends. It is anticipated that this garage and the garage for the project on the south side of the site would be excavated at the same time.
The project is subject to the General Design Guidelines, Building Type Guidelines and Commercial Core Guidelines in Chapter 6 of the DSP. A table has been included in the Findings for Approval in Attachment 3. Approximately, one hundred and eight (108) design guidelines were compiled. Of the these, nineteen (19) were not applicable either due to specific site references or land use typology. Staff found that the project complied with the remaining eighty-nine (89) applicable design guidelines. Refer to the findings in Attachment 3 for staff narrative and justification.
The required setbacks for this block are zero on all frontages. The proposed building provides a sixty-foot setback on the new east-west street, and an average of twenty feet on S. Taaffe Street and W. Washington and S. Murphy Avenues. The larger setback on the proposed new east-west street is to accommodate building separation requirements which allow for building façade penetrations for doors and glazing.
Building Height:
The maximum building height allowed in Block 18 in the DSP is 75 feet. The approved DA allows the height to increase up to 111 feet for Subblock 3 north and notes that deviations may be considered for mechanical equipment and screening. The proposed building height would be 111 feet at the tallest building parapet element.
The Zoning Code (Title 19 of the Sunnyvale Municipal Code) limits rooftop mechanical equipment to 25% of the roof area and it allows an additional 25 feet in height for such equipment. Building A (west side of S. Frances Street) would have approximately 46% of the upper roof comprised of mechanical equipment and associated screening and Building B (east side of S. Frances Street) would have approximately 41% of the upper roof comprised of mechanical equipment and associated screening. The combined percentage would be 43%. The intent of this requirement is to minimize additional bulk on the roof resulting from mechanical equipment and associated enclosures. Both buildings would be approximately over the max allowed by the Zoning Code by 21% for Building A and 16% for Building B. The proposed height of the tallest mechanical area would be 14 feet, which is 11 feet less than the maximum allowed of 25 feet. To the extent feasible, the equipment has been located at the center of the building roofs. The proposed increase in area could be supported since the equipment would be approximately half the allowed height, generally located at the center of the roofs, and the screening has incorporated a vertical texture and similar color of the metal finishes to compliment the treatment of the upper floors.
Section 19.28.100 of the Sunnyvale Municipal Code (SMC) encourages shared parking and requires a parking study to evaluate actual parking demand. A parking study was prepared by Walker and Associates, dated March 23, 2021 (see Attachment 6). The study evaluated all existing and proposed projects and parking within Block 18 (CityLine development) and the Parking Management Assessment District (PMAD). Block 18 is located in Zone 1 of the PMAD and currently it is not assessed a parking fee as this area provides its own parking within downtown. It also supplements parking for uses outside of Block 18. Figure 1 illustrates the PMAD zones and parking lots and structures.
The parking study takes into account proposed land uses, drive ratios based on Census data, other data collected for specific developments, non-captive adjustments which take into account people visiting two or more uses, and presence factors that identify peak demand which is typically 2:00 p.m. for most uses. Based on the analysis, the overall public parking demand for Block 18 is 1,618 parking spaces and there are 2,995 public parking spaces available during the weekday with an additional 786 spaces in the evenings and weekends. This results in an 81% utilization rate with 559 additional public spaces available on the weekdays (peak parking demand) and an additional 786 spaces during evening hours and weekends. Figure 6 in the Walker Parking Study provides a breakdown of uses and parking demand of the subblocks in Block 18. It is worth noting that Subblock 6 was evaluated as its current use, a surface parking lot. When a development application for Subblock 6 is submitted for City review, Walker and Associates will evaluate the proposal as it relates to parking in all of Block 18.
The Parking Study includes several recommendations including ensuring there is a balanced distribution of parking and ensuring that there is not spill over outside of Block 18 (Zone 1 of the PMAD). These recommendations have been included in the Recommended Conditions of Approval in Attachment 4. Additionally, as part of the DSP Amendments consideration, a Downtown Parking Analysis was also considered. It included a list of short-term and long-term techniques to improve the operations of the Downtown Parking Management Assessment District. One long-term recommendation was the formation of a Transportation Management Association (TMA) for Downtown. Staff has included a condition of approval requiring the applicant/ownership to participate in the TMA when it is established in the future.
• Parking Adjustment
Reduced Parking
The DSP requires a minimum of two (2) parking spaces per 1,000 square feet and a maximum of four (4) spaces per 1,000 for office space and two (2) parking spaces per 1,000 square feet for retail mixed use. The DSP also requires a parking analysis for projects located downtown with shared parking and within the Parking Assessment District. Lastly, the Zoning Code allows for adjustments to parking requirements based on specific findings.
The following tables provides a breakdown of the required and proposed parking for the project and the balance of extra parking spaces located within Block 18 for weekdays and evenings and weekends.
The proposed project would provide 786 parking spaces on-site for the office space during the day, with an additional 434 spaces located in the “Orange” parking garage on S. Taaffe Street. The “Orange” (225 S. Taaffe Street) and “Pear” (325 S. Taaffe Street) parking garages would be used by visitors to the ground floor commercial uses and office overflow. During the evenings and weekends, the on-site parking garage would be used by the commercial uses and the public. The project includes a parking adjustment to allow 434 off-site parking spaces. These off-site spaces would be predominately used during the weekdays.
As noted in the parking analysis, Block 18 provides 559 extra spaces during the weekdays and 786 spaces during evening hours and weekends due to complementary uses, off-site employee parking and close proximity to Caltrain and VTA bus hub. Therefore, staff finds that the parking reduction on this site can be absorbed by the extra parking spaces within Block 18. To ensure parking supply would be efficiently managed and potential spillover parking would be reduced, a parking management plan would be required to identify parking locations for the overflow office tenants and commercial use employees and patrons within the PD-2 (Orange) and the PD-1 (Pear) garages.
Compact Spaces
The project applicant has proposed 27 on-site compact spaces or 3% of the total underground parking. SMC Section 19.28.100(a) does not allow compact spaces for non-residential uses. The compact spaces can be considered through a parking adjustment per SMC Chapter 19.46. The compact spaces would be located in the underground parking structure. Due to configuration of parcel and column support system, some parking spaces fall short of the required standard dimensions. This can be expected within parking structures due to structural supports and the proposed amount is only 3% of the underground parking spaces.
The Zoning Code includes additional findings for parking adjustments, in which case, one or more need to be made. In this case, the project meets the following findings: provides off-site employee parking; uses have complementary peak hours; and the project is located within 1,000 feet of the Caltrain Station and VTA bus hub. Therefore, staff can support the parking adjustment for the reduced parking and compact spaces.
Slopes of Garage Ramps
The Citywide Parking Structure Design Guidelines includes a guideline regarding parking structure ramps. Specifically, Guideline PL-3 states the following:
• PL-3. Maximum vehicle ramp grade should be 12 percent with minimum 10-12-foot long transitions at the top and bottom of the ramp.
When the Downtown Specific Plan (DSP) was updated last year, a design guideline was included which acknowledged that the due to lot configurations downtown, steeper garage slopes may be considered. Specifically, the design guidelines state the following:
• CC-D.8 Given the tighter constraints Downtown, parking garage ramps may be steeper than the City’s Parking Structure Design Guidelines, subject to City review for pedestrian and vehicle safety.
Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure that there is a flat level area of approximately eighteen (18) feet at the exit of each garage to ensure clear visibility of pedestrians. The proposed driveway ramps are at 16% with transition areas at the top and bottom of the ramps. Parking garage driveway ramps typically range from 12% to 18% with transition slopes of 8%. The City’s Traffic Division has reviewed the project and found that the proposed slopes are acceptable. The applicant has also included notification equipment be used at the exist to warn pedestrians of exiting cars. Since the adopted DSP acknowledged that steeper ramps may be needed, staff can support the request of increased ramp slopes with the additional safety measures included in the project (included in the Findings in Attachment 3 - Design Guidelines Table)
The proposed project and density were evaluated in the DSP Amendment Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The EIR identified potential traffic impacts with mitigations included in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP). The proposed project would be responsible for fair share contributions to several intersections and roadway improvements. The project would also contribute to the City’s Transportation Impact Fee which covers projects identified in the City’s Capital Improvement Projects.
TDM Measures:
As part of the MMRP for the DSP EIR, the project is required to implement a Transportation Demand Management Plan (TDM) with a reduction of 6%. The final plan shall be submitted and approved prior to issuance of building permit for the structure.
Landscaping and Tree Preservation:
The project will be installing new sidewalks, street trees and public realm furniture around the perimeter of the project site. The S. Frances Street extension is providing pedestrian paseo space on either side of the new S. Frances Street extension with planters and other elements to enhance the pedestrian realm. The Planning Commission at a study session requested that additional landscaping be added to the S. Frances Street extension. The new plans have increased the landscaped area on S. Frances from 1,250 square feet (7%) to 3,101 square feet (17%). The total landscaped area on the project site is approximately 45,300 square feet. Five of the existing trees will be retained as indicated on sheet L2.3 of the project plans, near the corner of W. Washington Avenue and S. Taaffe Street. The two trees on S. Taaffe may be replaced with a larger species of tree, depending on the extent of the underground utilities. Staff will work with the applicant and City Arborist to make that determination. The proposed buildings include terraces at various levels on the north, east and west elevations of the building. These areas provide approximately 24,700 square feet for use by the tenants of the office building. Staff has included a condition of approval requiring 15 large trees to be installed on the terraces with the project shell approval. Additional landscaping planters would be added based on the needs of the future office tenant.
Green Building Requirements:
The proposed project would be LEED Gold with USBC Certification. The project would not be requesting any incentives as part of the Green Building Program, these have been achieved through the approved DA.
Solid Waste:
Solid Waste pick up would occur on the new private street, similar to other multi-story mixed-use buildings in the downtown. Bins would be moved out onto the new private street via a service and loading area. The applicant would be solely responsible for maintenance and operation of all solid waste on site.
Public Art:
The applicant is working with Art Commission staff with Library and Recreation Services for placement of art throughout Block 18. The project would be required to provide artwork on the site based on the valuation of the proposed project. Final art pieces and locations would be subject to review and approval by the Arts Commission.
Bird Safe Design:
The proposed project was evaluated against the City’s Bird Safe Design Guidelines by Live Oak Associates, Inc (date March 4, 2021, see Attachment 7). The evaluation found that location of the building is not in an area of high potential bird strikes due to its urban setting. Overall, the project complies with Option 2 of the City’s Bird Safe Design Guidelines. The study did note a concern with the transparent corners. Staff has included a condition of approval to comply with Live Oak and Associates study and to work with on the treatment options for the transparent corners of the proposed building.
Vesting Tentative Map:
The proposed project includes a Vesting Tentative Map for condominium purposes. This would allow for the future creation of commercial condominium spaces for the ground floor and parking garage. As part of the proposed Vesting Tentative Map, the project would be making adjustments to existing street easements and parking pull outs to accommodate an improved pedestrian realm on Murphy Avenue and drop-off and pick-up area on W. Washington Avenue. The project would be required to record a public access easement and ingress and egress easement for the 200 S. Taaffe Street project on the new east-west street. Findings for the Vesting Tentative Parcel Map approval have been included in Findings in Attachment 3.
Planning Commission Study Session:
On November 9, 2020, staff presented the proposed project to the Planning Commission for comments. Site and architectural plans were discussed. The Planning Commission generally liked the direction of the proposed project and provided the following comments regarding: treatment of the ground floor façade (e.g., material, color and articulation); greening of the S. Frances Street extension; delineation of bike lanes versus pedestrian realm; greening of terraces; exposure of northeast plaza; and the relationship of Building B to Murphy Avenue. Generally, the applicant has responded to the Planning Commission comments and concerns.
Fiscal Impact
No fiscal impacts other than normal fees and taxes are expected. The project would be contributing a Traffic Impact Fee estimated at $1,254,782.04, a Housing Mitigation Fee estimated at $5,882,658.00, and a Public Art equivalent estimated at $886,708.94. The project would also be contributing towards the projects fair share ($975,563.00) for traffic related improvements identified in the Downtown Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report. The project would also register all construction sales tax for the project with the State which would direct that revenue back to the City of Sunnyvale. Lastly, a contribution to the Community Benefit Fund of $7,442,428. Staff notes that the approved Development Agreement locks in the project Impact Fees based on the fiscal year 2019/20 fees until March 2023.
Public Contact
Notice of Public Hearing
• Published in the San Jose Mercury News newspaper
• Posted on the site
• 1,733 notices mailed to property owners and residents within 1,000 feet of the project site, the Charles Street 100, Sunnyvale West and Heritage District Neighborhood Associations and the Downtown Sunnyvale Associations.
Staff Report
• Posted on the City’s website
• Posted on the City’s official notice bulletin board
• Posted on the City’s website
Public Contact: Staff has received letters in support of the project from Katie Voong (Ktea Café), Dr. Gary Gold, and Livable Sunnyvale for this project and the recently approved 200 S. Taaffe project. All letters in response to the project have been included in Attachment 8.
1. Make the required Findings required to approve the CEQA determination that the project is consistent with the Downtown Specific Plan’s Program Environmental Impact Report and no additional environmental review is required, and approve the Special Development Permit and Vesting Tentative Map based on Findings in Attachment 3 of the report and Recommended Conditions of Approval in Attachment 4 of the report.
2. Make the required Findings required to approve the CEQA determination that the project is consistent with the Downtown Specific Plan’s Program Environmental Impact Report and no additional environmental review is required, and approve the Special Development Permit and Vesting Tentative Map based on Findings in Attachment 3 of the report and Recommended Conditions of Approval in Attachment 4 of the report subject to modified Conditions of Approval.
3. Deny the Special Development Permit and Vesting Tentative Map and provide direction to staff and applicant on where changes should be made.
STAFF Recommendation
Alternative 1:
Make the required Findings required to approve the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) determination that the project is consistent with the Downtown Specific Plan’s Program Environmental Impact Report and no additional environmental review is required, and approve the Special Development Permit and Vesting Tentative Map based on Findings in Attachment 3 of the report and Recommended Conditions of Approval in Attachment 4 of the report.
The proposed mixed-use building would provide 499,800 square feet and ground floor retail space with approximately 50,900 square feet of retail, 22,105 square feet of flex space and 37,415 square feet of shared services and 786 on-site parking space in an underground parking garage within a seven-story building. The ground floor uses would continue commercial activity on S. Taaffe Street, S. Frances, W. Washington Avenue and S. Murphy Avenue providing active space on all primary frontages. The project includes the extension of S. Frances Avenue to the new east-west street, providing a connection from W. Washington to Redwood Square. The combined project and improvements are consistent with the vision of the Downtown Specific Plan by activating the ground floor, using complimentary uses for the garage and parking, addition of a public plaza on the northeast corner of the site, and other associated site improvements. The proposed project is located in the center of downtown and would provide an anchor to the commercial core and would have minimal impacts to the nearby residential neighborhoods. The proposed design substantially complies with the Downtown Design Guidelines and outlined in the attached findings. The requested deviations for mechanical equipment can be supported through the Special Development Permit Process as this deviation would be located within the building and would not impact adjacent sites or uses. The requested Parking Adjustment for off-site parking spaces and compact spaces can be supported as it would be managed through a parking management plan and contained within Block 18.
Prepared by: Shaunn Mendrin, Principal Planner
Approved by: Andrew Miner, Assistant Director of Community Development
1. Site, Vicinity and Public Notice Mailing Map
2. Project Data Table
3. Recommended Findings
4. Recommended Conditions of Approval
5. Proposed Site and Architectural Plans
6. Walker & Associates Cityline Parking Study, dated March 23, 2021
7. Live Oak Associates, Inc. Study, dated March 4, 2021
8. Letters from the Public, various