Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 23-0596   
Type: Report to Board/Commission Status: Agenda Ready
Meeting Body: Planning Commission
On agenda: 5/22/2023
Title: Proposed Project: DESIGN REVIEW: Construct a first-story addition of 300 square feet to an existing two-story single-family home, resulting in 2,852 square feet (2,447 square feet living area and 407 square feet garage) and 48% floor area ratio (FAR). Location: 156 Connemara Way (APN: 309-24-003) File #: 2022-7556 Zoning: R-0 (Low Density Residential) Applicant / Owner: Ramchandra "Ram" Naik / Naik Ramchandra and Patwardhan Jaee Environmental Review: A Class 1 Categorical Exemption relieves this project from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) provisions. Project Planner: Robby Miller, (408) 730-7429, rmiller@sunnyvale.ca.gov
Attachments: 1. Vicinity and Noticing Map, 2. Project Data, 3. Recommended Findings, 4. Draft Conditions of Approval, 5. Site and Architectural Plans, 6. Neighborhood Analysis, 7. Presentation to Planning Commission 20230522





Proposed Project:                      

DESIGN REVIEW: Construct a first-story addition of 300 square feet to an existing two-story single-family home, resulting in 2,852 square feet (2,447 square feet living area and 407 square feet garage) and 48% floor area ratio (FAR).

Location: 156 Connemara Way (APN: 309-24-003)

File #: 2022-7556

Zoning: R-0 (Low Density Residential)

Applicant / Owner: Ramchandra “Ram” Naik / Naik Ramchandra and Patwardhan Jaee

Environmental Review: A Class 1 Categorical Exemption relieves this project from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) provisions.

Project Planner: Robby Miller, (408) 730-7429, rmiller@sunnyvale.ca.gov





General Plan: Low Density Residential

Existing Site Conditions:                     Two-story single-family home

Surrounding Land Uses

North: One-story single-family home

South: Two-story single-family home

East: One-story single-family home

West: One-story single-family home

Issues: Floor Area Ratio (FAR)

Staff Recommendation: Approve the Design Review based on the Findings in Attachment 3 and subject to the Conditions of Approval in Attachment 4.



Description of Proposed Project: The proposed project is located on a 5,900-square foot residential lot with an existing two-story single-family home. The applicant proposes to construct a one-story addition of 300 square feet to the front of the existing home, resulting in 2,852 square feet. No modifications are proposed to the existing second floor.


A Design Review application is required for an addition to an existing home to evaluate compliance with development standards and with the Single-Family Home Design Techniques. Planning Commission review is required for homes with a gross floor area exceeding 3,600 square feet or floor area ratios greater than 45%. The project results in a floor area of FAR of 48%, which requires Planning Commission review and approval.


See Attachment 1 for a map of the vicinity and mailing area for notices and Attachment 2 for the Data Table of the proposed project.


Previous Actions on the Site: There are no previous Planning approvals for the site.


Applicable Design Guidelines: The City’s Design Guidelines provide recommendations for site layout, architecture, and design. These guidelines are referenced in the discussion and analysis below.



A Class 1 Exemption relieves this proposed project from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) provisions.



Present Site Conditions: The proposed project site is located within a residential neighborhood east of Sunnyvale Saratoga Road. The proposed project site is within a block loosely bounded by Carlow Court to the north, Cromart Court to the south, Connemara Way to the west, and Bittern Drive to the east. The proposed project is surrounded by one-story single-family homes with two two-story single-family homes within immediate neighborhood. Sunset Park is west of the proposed project and contains 174 two-story townhouses. The single-family home properties within the immediate neighborhood are generally comprised of ranch style homes with hipped and gable roof forms, attached garages, and recessed front porches.


Architecture and Site Layout: The existing two-story single-family home includes common areas and 5 bedrooms. The first-floor addition is in the front, filling in a portion of the recessed front entry area and porch with a new study and enlarging the living room. Other work includes enlarging the first-floor bedroom by reducing the size of the garage. The existing 448 square foot garage will be reduced to 405 square feet and complies with the minimum 400 square feet requirement for two covered parking spaces.


The existing front façade has a front gable on top of the garage and side gable over the existing living areas. The proposed project changes the first-floor front façade with front gable roofs over the additions and no increase in plate height. The existing 4:12 slope will be maintained with the changed gable roofs in the front. The garage roof will remain a front gable. There is no work proposed for the second floor.


The existing ranch style character will be maintained. The proposed project includes window and door trim to match existing and maintains a recessed entryway.


Floor Area and Floor Area Ratio (FAR): A single-family home proposing a gross floor area greater than 3,600 square feet and a FAR greater than 45% requires Planning Commission review and approval. The proposed project has a gross floor area of 2,852 square feet on a 5,900-square foot lot, which results in 48% FAR.


Homes in the neighborhood range in size from 1,996 square feet to 3,880 square feet with an average of 2,528 square feet. The existing FARs in the vicinity range from 28.9% to 54.3%, with an average of 38.3%. While the proposed addition results in a home that is larger than many other homes found in the neighborhood, the size of the home and FAR are within the range of other homes found in the neighborhood. The detailed information of neighboring homes in the immediate neighborhood can be found in Attachment 6.


Staff finds that the additional floor area is appropriate for the neighborhood. The proposed addition is limited to the first floor and will be set back more than 28 feet when a minimum of 20 feet is required. The additions 8-foot plate height matches the existing main living plate height which helps reduce mass and bulk impacts. Additionally, the project will not result in negative visual or privacy impacts to neighbors.


Landscaping and Trees: The existing landscaping will be modified slightly in the front yard to accommodate the addition. No tree removal is proposed as part of this proposed project.


Development Standards: The proposed project complies with the applicable development standards as set forth in the SMC. The Project Data Table for the proposed project can be found in Attachment 2. No deviations are proposed.


Fiscal Impact

No fiscal impacts other than normal fees and taxes are expected.


Public Contact

As of the date of staff report preparation, staff has received no comments from the neighbors.


Notice of Public Hearing

                     Published in the Sunnyvale Sun newspaper

                     Posted on the site

                     348 notices mailed to property owners and residents within 300 feet of the project site


Staff Report

                     Posted on the City’s website



                     Posted on the City’s official notice bulletin board

                     Posted on the City’s website



1.                     Approve the Design Review with the Conditions of Approval in Attachment 4.

2.                     Approve the Design Review with modified conditions

3.                     Deny the Design Review and provide direction to staff and the applicant where changes should be made.




Alternative 1: Approve the Design Review with the Conditions of Approval in Attachment 4.



Prepared by: Robby Miller, Associate Planner

Approved by: Noren Caliva-Lepe, Principal Planner



1.                     Vicinity and Noticing Map

2.                     Project Data

3.                     Recommended Findings

4.                     Draft Conditions of Approval

5.                     Site and Architectural Plans

6.                     Neighborhood Analysis