Proposed Project:
SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT to allow two seven-story office buildings with approximately 499,800 square feet and ground floor retail space with approximately 50,900 square feet of retail, 22,105 square feet of flex space and 37,415 square feet of shared services and two levels of below grade parking, and
VESTING TENTATIVE MAP to allow modifications to lot line locations and the creation of commercial condominium spaces.
Location: 200 W. Washington Avenue (APNs: 209-35-023 & 022)
File #: 2020-7110
Zoning: DSP (Downtown Specific Plan)/Block 18
General Plan: Downtown Specific Plan
Applicant / Owner: STC Ventures LLC (applicant and owner)
Environmental Review: No additional review required as per CEQA Guidelines 15168(c)(2) and (4) - environmental impacts of the project are addressed in the Downtown Specific Plan Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (State Clearinghouse #2018052020).
Project Planner: Shaunn Mendrin, (408) 730-7431,
General Plan: Downtown Specific Plan (DSP)
Existing Site Conditions: Vacant Retail Building (former Macy's) and On-Site Parking
Surrounding Land Uses
North: Retail and Restaurant
South: Redwood Square and Approved Mixed Use Building (Planning Application 2020-7262)
East: Surface Parking
West: Residential, Structured Parking
Issues: Consistency with the Downtown Specific Plan
Staff Recommendation: Make the required Findings required to approve the CEQA determination that the project is consistent with the Downtown Specific Plan's Program Environmental Impact Report and no additional environmental review is required, and approve the Special Development Permit and Vesting Tentative Map based on Findings in Attachment 3 and Recommended Conditions of Approval in Attachment 4.
Description of Proposed Project
The proposed project is located on Subblock 3 which is a part of Block 18 of the DSP. Block 18 includes ...
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