Proposed Project: General Plan Amendment Initiation: to consider amendments to the Moffett Park Specific Plan
File #: 2017-7743
Locations: Moffett Park Specific Plan Area
Applicant / Owner: Google, Inc. (applicant) / various owners
Environmental Review: The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378 (a).
Project Planner: Andrew Miner, (408) 730-7707,
The Planning Commission considered this item on January 22, 2018 and voted 5-0 (two Planning Commissioners recused) to recommend to City Council: 1) Initiate a General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment study to consider amending the Moffett Park Specific Plan; and 2) Provide direction: a) to prepare a work plan and project description after initial community outreach and return to the Planning Commission for a recommendation and to City Council for action, b) on any plan features that the City Council would like included or would not like included, and c) to commence work on the amendment studies only if fully paid for by the applicant(s). The Planning Commission motion included features to study/explore as part of the update to the Specific Plan. The features recommended for study by the Planning Commission relate to water supply/distribution and bicycle and pedestrian features.
A. Water Supply. A Water Supply Assessment (to determine if there is adequate water supply) will be prepared as it is required by state law. The utility infrastructure study would review and recommend needed upgrades related to the Moffett Park water distribution system.
B. Access at State Highway 237. Analyze the potential of establishing (or reestablishing) access to and from Moffett Park at Fair Oaks Avenue.
C. Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Prepare a bike and pedestrian circulation plan that considers the following aspects:
i. Type IV bicycle lanes
ii. Light Rail and...
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