Proposed Project: General Plan Amendment Initiation to consider amending the Lawrence Station Area Plan (LSAP) to expand the boundary of the plan area to include 932 and 950 Kifer Road (APNs 205-49-005 and 205-49-012).
File #: 2018-7447
Locations: 932 Kifer Road (APN 205-49-005); 950 Kifer Road (APN 205-49-012); 945 Kifer Road (APN 205-40-002); and 955 Kifer Road (APN 205-40-001).
Applicant/Owner: Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
Environmental Review: The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378 (a).
Project Planner: George Schroeder, (408) 730-7443,
The Planning Commission considered this item on July 9, 2018. No members of the public spoke on the item; the meeting minutes can be found in Attachment 7.
The Planning Commission voted 5-0 (two absent) to recommend approval of Alternative 1: Initiate the General Plan Amendment to add the properties at 932, 950, 945-955 Kifer Road in the Lawrence Station Area Plan boundaries and direct staff to include these amendments in the LSAP residential study currently underway.
The motion also included the following modifications beyond the staff recommendation:
a. Coordinate the study with a unified bicycle and pedestrian plan for the connection to the Caltrain station as well as Countywide networks that converge on the area; and
b. The study shall analyze methods to maximize the existing tree canopy, preserve the existing trees, and maintain the open space within the 945-955 Kifer Road property.
The Planning Commission was supportive of studying an expansion of the LSAP boundary to include the three Intuitive Surgical (ISI) properties. Most of the discussion about including the ISI properties centered on preserving the existing open space and mature tree canopy on the 945-955 Kifer Road property. Staff notes that the LSAP amendments could include policie...
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