Proposed Project: Related applications on a 0.85-acre site:
SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: to allow construction of 18 three-story condominium units and the retention of one single-family house (156 Crescent Avenue); and,
TENTATIVE MAP: to create one lot and 19 condominium units.
Location: 148 and 156 Crescent Avenue (APNs: 211-35-008 and 211-35-009)
File #: 2021-7826
Zoning: R3/PD - Medium Density Residential / Planned Development
Applicant / Owner: Samir Sharma (applicant) / Crescent Avenue LLC (owner)
Environmental Review: A Class 32 Categorical Exemption relieves this project from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) provisions.
Project Planner: Momo Ishijima, (408) 730-7532,
General Plan: Medium Density Residential
Existing Site Conditions: A one-story single-family house, a two-story single-family house, a warehouse building, and accessory structures
Surrounding Land Uses
North: Senior residential care facility across Crescent Avenue
South: Multi-family residential (apartment complex) and duplex
East: Multi-family residential (condominium development)
West: Multi-family residential (senior apartment complex)
Issues: Neighborhood Compatibility and Waivers from Development Standards
Staff Recommendation: Approve the Special Development Permit and Tentative Map with the recommended findings in Attachment 3 and conditions of approval in Attachment 4.
Description of Proposed Project
The project site is comprised of two parcels totaling 0.85 acres. The proposed project includes the following:
* Demolition of the existing house and detached garage at 148 Crescent Avenue;
* Preservation of the existing house and demolition of the accessory structures at 156 Crescent Avenue; and
* Construction of 18 three-story townhomes within two buildings sited perpendicular to Crescent Avenue.
The project proposes to utilize the State Density Bonus Law and is ...
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